Informal Pizza SeminarNeutrinos, Supersymmetry Breaking and Baryon Asymmetry of The UniverseRouzbeh AllahverdiTRIUMFLeptogenesis is an elegant mechanism for generating matter-animatter asymmetry in the Universe that relates it to the tiny neutrino mass. I will begin this talk by a brief review of the idea and various scenarios of leptogenesis. Then I shall focus on a recent proposal where supersymmetry breaking effects are responsible for creating a lepton asymmetry in the righ-handed sneutrino sector and transferring it to the standard model leptons. The merits of this proposal and several scenarios will be discussed. I will suggest that leptogenesis from a sneutrino condensate is the most flexible scenario in this context.
Tuesday, October 7th 2003, 13:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 326 |