Physical Society ColloquiumEngineering Embedding Intelligence into Materials and Devices using Integrative TechnologyCarlo MontemagnoUCLAAdvances in single molecule manipulation coupled with a more complete understanding of biomolecular processes have enabled the development of a new class of materials. These materials have the potential to emulate much of the functionality associated with living systems such as the active transport and transformation of matter and information and the transduction of energy into different forms. We will present the details of the technological demands and the results of efforts associated with the production of materials with emergent functionality. Elements of the discussion will include the genetic engineering of active biological molecules into engineering building blocks, the precision assembly of these molecules into a stable, `active' material, and the control of information among molecules to realize the potential of embedding intelligent behavior into the matrix of the assembled matter.
Friday, October 3rd 2003, 15:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, Keys Auditorium (room 112) |