McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

Theory HEP Seminar

One problem in a ‘melon’ (milion)

Mathieu Giroux


It was recently showed that the dual to the vector space of Feynman integrals have a very physical interpretation through unitary cuts. In this talk, we want to use this new technology to answer questions at two-loop. In particular, we initiate the loop-by-loop program and investigate the recursive loop-structure of the ‘watermelon’ diagram, which is relevant for self-energy calculations in Quantum Field Theory. We will discuss it's first iteration, which boils down to extracting the two-loop watermelon (sunrise) differential equation from one-loop watermelon (bubble) data. We will also elaborate on connections between the so-called ‘canonical’ differential equations, ε-factorized differential equations and modular invariance.

Wednesday, February 2nd 2022, 12:00