Physical Society Colloquium
Beyond BCS Theory: Exact Results for Superconductivity
and Mottness
Department of Physics University of Illinois
High-temperature superconductivity in the cuprates remains an unsolved
problem because the cuprates start off their lives as Mott insulators in
which no organizing principle such a Fermi surface can be invoked to treat
the electron interactions. Consequently, it would be advantageous to solve
even a toy model that exhibits both Mottness and superconductivity. In 1992
Hatsugai and Khomoto wrote down a momentum-space model for a Mott insulator
which is safe to say was largely overlooked, their paper garnering just 31
citations (6 due to our group). I will show exactly[1]
that this model when appended with a weak pairing interaction exhibits not
only the analogue of Cooper's instability but also a superconducting ground
state, thereby demonstrating that a model for a doped Mott insulator can
exhibit superconductivity. The properties of the superconducting state
differ drastically from that of the standard BCS theory. The elementary
excitations of this superconductor are not linear combinations of particle
and hole states but rather are superpositions of doublons and holons,
composite excitations signaling that the superconducting ground state of the
doped Mott insulator inherits the non-Fermi liquid character of the normal
state. Additional unexpected features of this model are that it exhibits a
superconductivity-induced transfer of spectral weight from high to low energies
and a suppression of the superfluid density as seen in the cuprates.
Friday, September 25th 2020, 15:30