From carmen à  Thu Feb 13 12:52:05 2003
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 12:58:33 -0500
To: cap à
From: Carmen <carmen à>
Subject: Second notice: 2003 CAP congress PPD sessions

>Hello everyone,
>This is the second notice of the 2003 CAP congress Particle Physics
>Division sessions.  Details for this year's congress may be found at:
>This year's PPD program consists of 4 half-day sessions:
>- The Precision Frontier
>- The Energy Frontier
>- Instrumentation and the Future of Particle Physics
>- Particle Astrophysics with one afternoon free to participate in the DNP
>  Nuclear Astrophysics session.
>All of these sessions will consist of a mixture of invited and
>contributed talks.
>You are all invited to submit contributed abstracts for any of these 4
>sessions. A special invitation is extended to students and postdocs!  All
>students will be automatically considered for the new award for best
>student presentation.
>Abstract submissions may be made until March 3, 2003, at:
>I kindly ask you to also send me (mvincter à a copy of
>the  talk title and abstract so that I may keep track of the sessions.
>So, please pass this message on to students and colleagues! Encourage your
>students to attend.
>See you in June!
>Manuella Vincter
>         Manuella G. Vincter (email: mvincter à
>              Department of Physics, University of Alberta
>                     Edmonton, AB, Canada, T6G 2J1
>         phone: +1 780 492 3087          fax:   +1 780 492 3408