From mmckearney à avcn1.novell.UPEI.CA  Tue May  6 14:52:43 2003
From: "Michelle McKearney" <mmckearney à>
Organization: University of P.E.I.
To: "Michelle McKearney" <mmckearney à>
Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 15:39:07 ADT
Subject: CAP_Registration_Complete/_Inscription_a_l'ACP_complete
Reply-to: mmckearney à

Dear CAP Congress Registrant/Cher(ère) participant au congrès ACP:

Receipt of this email confirms that your registration, including
payment, is complete. A receipt will be available at the congress
registration desk when you arrive. The local organizing
committee wishes you a safe trip to Charlottetown, and looks
forward to hosting you during the congress.

Ce courriel sert à confirmer que votre inscription, y inclus le
paiement, est complété. Un reçon sera disponsible au bureau
d'inscription à votre arrivé au congrès. Le comité organisateur
locale désire vous souhaitez un bon voyage à Charlottetown, et
nous attendons avec impatience d'être vos hôtes durant le

Sincerely/ Sincèrement,
Derek Lawther
Chair, Congress Local Organizing Committee
Président, comité organisateur locale

Derek W. Lawther, PhD       Department of Physics
Assistant Professor         University of Prince Edward Island
(902)566-0338               Charlottetown, PEI
dlawther à            CANADA C1A 4P3