From mvincter à  Tue May 20 11:11:41 2003
Date: 	Tue, 20 May 2003 09:15:10 -0600 (MDT)
From: Manuella Vincter <mvincter à>
To: janis à, <toshio à>, <mrshl à>,
        <mdonkers à>, <datta à>,
        <andreas.warburton à>, <hearty à>,
        Steven Robertson <steven à>,
        <martin à>, <nkanaya à>,
        <william à>, <beauche à>,
        <vollrath à>, <jarguin à>,
        <savard à>, <traylin à>,
        <mohsen à>, <corriveau à>,
        Akira Konaka <konaka à>, <menary à>, <karlen à>,
        <dosanjh à>, <zacekv à>,
        <ragan à>, <jennings à>,
        Douglas Scott <dscott à>
Subject: overhead facilities at CAP2003

Hello everyone,
  I have just contacted the sessions room organizer to make sure what kind
of overhead facilities will be available during the PPD sessions at the
CAP congress this year. I am told that the following will be available:
"both a standard old-fashioned overhead projector, as well as a video data
projector for laptops, in every room for each session at the congress".
  If you have not yet registered for the CAP congress, please don't forget
to do so. Your may find out the name of your session chair at
  If you have any concerns about any aspect of the PPD sessions of the CAP
congress, please don't hesitate to contact me.
  See you soon, Manuella

        Manuella G. Vincter (email: mvincter à
             Department of Physics, University of Alberta
                    Edmonton, AB, Canada, T6G 2J1
        phone: +1 780 492 3087          fax:   +1 780 492 3408