From mvincter à  Thu May 22 11:21:09 2003
Date: 	Thu, 22 May 2003 09:25:21 -0600 (MDT)
From: Manuella Vincter <mvincter à>
To: janis à, <toshio à>, <mrshl à>,
        <mdonkers à>, <datta à>,
        <andreas.warburton à>, <hearty à>,
        Steven Robertson <steven à>,
        <martin à>, <nkanaya à>,
        <william à>, <beauche à>,
        <vollrath à>, <jarguin à>,
        <savard à>, <traylin à>,
        <mohsen à>, <corriveau à>,
        Akira Konaka <konaka à>, <menary à>, <karlen à>,
        <dosanjh à>, <zacekv à>,
        <ragan à>, <jennings à>,
        Douglas Scott <dscott à>
Subject: PPD sessiona at the CAP

Hello everyone,
  The CAP congress is fast approaching so I would like to give you a few
details about our 4 PPD sessions.
  Contributed slots are 15min long. Please plan on a 12min talk leaving
3min for questions. Invited slots are 30min long. Please plan on a 25min
talk leaving 5min for questions. The sessions are quite full so I kindly
ask all speakers to keep within their allotted time. The session chairs
and I are trying to come up with a scheme to make the laptop talks as
smooth and efficient as possible. It would help me if the speakers
planning on doing a laptop presentation identify themselves to me and let
me know the format of their talk and the operating system of their laptop
(windows vs linux).  I will try to identify one person's laptop in each
session from which all laptop presentations would be made. So speakers
please answer the following questions:

My talk will be on overheads/laptop?
For laptop users:
My laptop runs  windows/linux etc...?
The format of my talk is powerpoint/pdf/ps etc...?
If need be I can put my talk in pdf format on a diskette to transfer to
another laptop?

Thanks, Manuella

        Manuella G. Vincter (email: mvincter à
             Department of Physics, University of Alberta
                    Edmonton, AB, Canada, T6G 2J1
        phone: +1 780 492 3087          fax:   +1 780 492 3408