Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 10:06:12 -0400
From: William Trischuk 
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Ipp] Request for input to the IPP long range planning townhall

Dear IPP Members,

Many of you will have just received NSERC's announcement of the
composition of the SAP long range planning committee and a sketch
of the timeline for their activities/meetings. For those of you
who didn't you can find a copy at:

As you know, NSERC has asked the IPP and CINP to prepare briefs on
behalf of the Canadian particle physics and Nuclear Physics communities
as input to this process. The IPP will begin the information gathering
process with a townhall meeting during the CAP week in Toronto.

Council met last week to discuss our goals for the IPP townhall
meeting in June and our plans to prepare our input to this
NSERC-sponsored long range planning process.

We propose to break the townhall into three sections:

    i) Presentations from the larger particle physics projects (with 10
        or more investigators) that will be continuing well into (and in
        most cases beyond) the upcoming 5 year period. We will also
        include a discussion of the role theorists play in the
        particle physics community and their concerns in this session.
   ii) Presentations from smaller projects or new projects that are
        just on the horizon at this point, and may be coalescing
        during the planning period.
  iii) A fulsome discussion period to get the community's reaction
        to the presentation and hear suggestions for how Council should
        proceed/prioritise as it prepares the IPP brief for the LRP.

We are requesting input, in particular to establish the agenda for
part ii) of the townhall meeting. I am now soliciting abstracts from
all projects that foresee a place in the IPP/SAP community in the
coming years. These abstracts should address:

a) The physics involved and how it fits in with, and extends, what
     the our community is already doing;
b) The members of the community interested in working on the project;
c) The currently foreseen timeline for the project;
d) The plans/status of any international partners or host labs involved;
e) The overall scope (funding, people, other resources) that are
     anticipated from the Canadian community.

Abstracts should be no more than 3 pages in length. They should reach
us by *May 15th* for full consideration in planning the agenda for the
June meeting. We anticipate calling for more extensive project
descriptions and their plans for the next 5-10 years in early June --
though these will only be 'due' about the time of the townhall meeting.

To seed the discussion in part iii) of the townhall Council will
prepare a 3-4 page summary of what was done prior to the last LRP
exercise, what we thought our best arguments were and where they
could be extended and and perhaps most importantly where we ended up
relative to our plans/aspirations. Our goal is to circulate this to
the community in early June to give people time to think about it and
bring their comments to the discussion session on the 11th.

We look forward to seeing many of you there and to your input at this
stage in the process.

(for IPP Council)
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