CAP Congress 2001
PPD Session Abstracts
and program

François Corriveau (IPP/McGill), PPD Chair,
Tel: 1 (514) 398-6515
Fax: 1 (514) 398-3733

30 April 2001

Mark Boulay (Queen's University) Invited
Tel: 1 (613) 533-6857
Fax: 1 (613) 533-6463
Solar Neutrino Measurements with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory is a large water Cerenkov neutrino detector with D2O as the sensitive target material. SNO has been designed to provide sensitive tests for neutrino oscillations by measuring the flux and energy spectra of the solar 8B neutrinos. The experiment has several phases, each with a different sensitivity to neutral currents. The first operational phase uses pure D2O as the neutrino target. We have been collecting data in this phase, in which we are most sensitive to charged current (CC) and elastic scattering (ES) interactions, since May, 1999. We present here as results from the D2O data a pure charged-current and an elastic-scattering 8B neutrino flux measurement. Emphasis of the talk will be on the analysis techniques used for the solar neutrino signal extraction.

Robert Carnegie (Carleton University) Invited
Tel: 1 (613) 520-2600 x4321
Fax: 1 (613) 520-4061
Searching for the Higgs Boson at LEP

The main focus of the CERN LEP accelerator operation in 2000 was the direct search for the Higgs Boson up to a mass of about 115 Gev. Present particle physics data from LEP, the SLC and the Fermilab Tevatron are consistent with and indirectly indicate a Higgs particle in the general 100 GeV mass region. The current results on the Higgs Boson searches from the OPAL experiment and the other LEP experiments will be presented.

Karene Chu and Thomas Mattison (University of British Columbia)
Tel: 1 (604) 822-1445
Fax: 1 (604) 822-5324
Study of Multiparameter Fit for B-meson Mixing Rate, Lifetime and Lepton Spectra at an Asymmetric e+e- B-factory

Dilepton events from Upsilon(4S) decay can be used to measure semileptonic branching ratio and the energy spectra of leptons directly from B decays and from charm cascade decays. At an asymmetric e+e- collider, the two B decays are separated along the beam direction, and the separation of the two lepton tracks allows the B lifetime and time-dependent mixing to be measured. Methods for extracting multiple physics parameters from such data are investigated. A Monte Carlo simulation of B meson production, B and D meson decay, and lepton reconstruction in a typical B-factory detector is used to demonstrate the feasibility and statistical power of The multiparameter fit.

François Corriveau (McGill University) Invited
Tel: 1 (514) 398-6515
Fax: 1 (514) 398-3733
QCD Physics with ZEUS at HERA

The ZEUS experiment at HERA provides a rich testing ground for the study of processes governed by quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The coupling constant of the strong force, alpha_s, and the structure of the proton have both been measured to great accuracy. Complementary to LEP, results on dijet production are also becoming important in constraining the structure of the photon. Along with these, measurements of heavy quark and jet production and diffractive processes, are all providing rigourous tests of QCD and its implementation in theoretical calculations. A review of the recent measurements from ZEUS and their impact within the high-energy physics program will be discussed.

Matt Dobbs (University of Victoria)
Tel: 1 (250) 721-7736
Fax: 1 (250) 721-5324
Monte Carlo simulation of QCD corrections to electroweak processes at high energy hadron colliders

A brief introduction to Monte Carlo tools for simulating QCD corrections to electroweak processes at hadron colliders will be presented. Hadronic WZ diboson production will be used as an example to illustrate the benefits and drawbacks of fixed order simulations, the parton shower approach, and matrix element corrections to the parton shower. Finally a new technique for combining the full next-to-leading order matrix element with the parton shower approach will be presented.

Doug Gingrich (University of Alberta/TRIUMF) Invited
Tel: 1 (780) 492-9501
Fax: 1 (780) 492-3408
Status of the STACEE Project

The Solar Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment (STACEE) is a new ground-based atmospheric Cherenkov telescope for gamma-ray astronomy. A prototype telescope was used to observe high energy gamma-ray emission from the Crab Nebula and set a limit on the pulsed emission from the Crab Pulsar. The full STACEE has recently been commissioned and a three year observing period has begun. This talk will present the first observations made with the complete telescope.

E. Douglas Hallman (Laurentian University) Poster
Tel: 1 (705) 675-1151 x2231
Fax: 1 (705) 675-4868
The Surface Cleanliness and Leaching Test Program for the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

Detector operations at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) require frequent calibrations in which sources (of light, gamma rays or particles) are inserted into the central heavy water vessel. Special precautions have been set up to ensure that no contamination enters SNO's ultrapure heavy water. Surface dust on calibration equipment is regularly monitored through tape lifts and x-ray fluorescence analysis. For new devices, tests for leaching of surface impurities into ultrapure water have been developed and are regularly used. The leach water is tested to ensure satisfactorily low uranium, thorium and decay product levels, using methods including radon emanation and alpha spectroscopy. The techniques developed will be outlined, and results from selected materials tests will be given.

Chris Hearty (IPP/University of British Columbia) Invited
Tel: 1 (604) 822-9163
Fax: 1 (604) 822-5324
First Physics from BaBar

The BaBar experiment successfully completed its first year of data collection in October 2000. Both the accelerator and the detector operated well, with PEP-II reaching design luminosity of 3 x 10^33 and BaBar collecting 20 fb^-1 of data on the Upsilon(4S) and 2.5 fb^-1 just below.

This talk will present the first physics results from BaBar, which are expected to include the most precise measurement to date of the Unitarity Triangle (CP violation) parameter sin(2 beta) Other results will include B mixing, B lifetime, and a number of charmless B-decay branching ratios, which are critical for the determination of sin(2 alpha). The talk will also review the status of the second year of data collection.

Richard Hemingway (Carleton University) Invited
Tel: 1 (613) 520-2600 x1977
Fax: 1 (613) 520-4061
OPAL celebrates the Standard Model

After 12 years of successful operation the LEP accelerator at CERN has been officially closed in preparation for the LHC. During the period 1995-2000 the LEP centre-of-mass energy was increased in steps from 130 to 209 GeV and more than 700 pb-1 of high energy data were recorded by OPAL. In this talk I will concentrate on Standard Model cross-sections and couplings and indirect limits on new physics. Needless to say, the Standard Model has been more firmly established than ever before.

Dean Karlen (Carleton University) Invited
Tel: 1 (613) 520-2600 x4324
Fax: 1 (613) 520-4061
Prospects for a Future e+e- Linear Collider

Work is well underway in Europe, North America, and Asia on the design of a next generation electron positron collider and on the physics justification of such a facility. Test facilities have demonstrated that the technology for constructing the collider is in hand. A strong physics case has been made that the results are an important complement to the data to be recorded at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN later this decade.

In this presentation I will review the proposed designs of the linear collider and associated detectors, the physics opportunities that the facility brings, and the linear collider activities taking place in Canada.

Michel Lefebvre (University of Victoria) Invited
Tel: 1 (250) 721-7706
Fax: 1 (250) 721-7715
Physics at the TeV Scale: Discovery Potential of the ATLAS Detector at the LHC

The Standard Model (SM) of particle interactions spectacularly accounts for all experimental results to date. Only the Higgs sector of the theory, responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking and particle masses, remains to be confirmed. Despite this success, there are compelling theoretical reasons to believe that new physics beyond the SM must exist below or near 1 TeV. Supersymmetry (SUSY) is a particularly popular extension of the SM, as well as a critical ingredient in Grand Unified Theories, but its existence in nature awaits experimental confirmation. The LHC, currently under construction at CERN, Geneva, will produce proton-proton collisions at a centre of mass energy of 14 TeV, allowing the exploration of physics at the TeV scale. The ATLAS detector, also currently under construction, is designed to take full advantage of the LHC. This talk will review the physics discovery potential of the ATLAS detector, with emphasis on the SM and SUSY Higgs sectors.

Louis Lessard (Université de Montréal) Invited
Tel: 1 (514) 343-5810
Fax: 1 (514) 343-6215
The PICASSO Project: Towards the Detection of Cold Dark Matter

Cold dark matter has been shown more and more convincingly to consist mainly of non-baryonic particles of which a candidate of choice could be the neutralino of super-symmetry. Present mass limits obtained at LEP and theoretical cross section estimates indicate that the sensitivity of all detection systems being developed must be substantially increased in order to detect such particles in the galactic environment. We will show, using the detection limit obtained by PICASSO, with a system of 20 10-ml detectors, what sensitivity could be obtained with the superheated droplet technique. A new fabrication process is being used which allows the construction of much larger detectors; presently, detectors of more than one liter volume, which represent a factor of 100 gain in sensitivity, are being produced and 6-liter detection units are feasible. This detector size would allow PICASSO to be at the forefront of the spin-dependent neutralino-proton cross section detection capability. We will discuss the gain in sensitivity now within reach, measurements in progress, and what future developments are being envisaged. The emphasis of the presentation will be on the instrumentation and experimental aspects of the project, and a realistic timescale for a large and competitive cold dark matter detector will be discussed.

Daniel M. MacQueen (University of Toronto)
Tel: 1 (416) 978-6632
Fax: 1 (416) 978-5848
Supersymmetry at CDF-II

The mass of the Standard Model Higgs boson is very sensitive to corrections due to the energy scale where new physics occurs. If the next energy scale is close to the Planck mass, these corrections result in a Higgs mass about 15 orders of magnitude higher than experimentally favoured. Supersymmetric models, where each fermion has a bosonic superpartner and vice-versa, can allow these corrections to cancel, resulting in a more reasonable Higgs mass.

The recently upgraded CDF detector at Fermilab's Tevatron is well positioned to search for new physics at the TeV scale. The physics program will include searches for signatures of a variety of supersymmetric models. This talk will focus on the sensitivity of CDF-II to some of these signatures.

Rachid Mazini (Université de Montréal)
Tel: 1 (514) 343-6111 x4231
Fax: 1 (514) 343-6215
Physics Prospects of the ElectroWeak vector bosons fusion in ATLAS

Electroweak vector Bosons fusion will be a copious source of informations at the LHC. I will present the discovery potential with the ATLAS detector from those processes in the framework of the Standard Model as well as in some extended theories involving strong symetry breaking and new interactions.

Thomas Mattison, J. Thompson and K. Yau (University of British Columbia)
Tel: 1 (604) 822-9690
Fax: 1 (604) 822-5324
Nanometer Vibration Control by Interferometer-Based Active Feedback

Future linear e+e- colliders require megawatt beams focused to nanometer dimensions to obtain adequate luminosity. Vibration of the final focusing elements at the nanometer scale will prevent the beams from colliding. We are developing technology for active vibration control. Our approach is to measure the position of the mass to be stabilized relative to a distant stable reference point with an optical interferometer, and control its position with piezoelectric actuators. The feedback is implemented as a kernel module in a PC running Linux with an ADC/DAC card . Results for interferometer stability and mirror-position feedback with various air path lengths are presented. We have also constructed an interferometer-stabilized one-degree-of-freedom test stand with a variable mass of up to 100 kg, variable stiffness support, feedback and excitation piezo actuators, and a capacitive position sensor to monitor the performance. Results for feedback performance with different platform mass and stiffness values for various algorithms are presented.

Scott Menary (York University) Invited
Tel: 1 (416) 736-2100 x22982
Fax: 1 (416) 736-5516
Future of CP Violation

BTeV is an approved post-B-Factory era experiment which is to run at the Tevatron at Fermilab. The BTeV detector is designed to exploit the copious production of b-bbar quark pairs in p-pbar collisions so as to probe all aspects of CP Violation in the b (and c) sector. The goal of the experiment is to achieve the precision necessary to be able to find new physics beyond the standard CKM picture of CP Violation. In this talk I will describe the status of the detector design and construction.

Joe Mildenberger (TRIUMF) Invited
Tel: 1 (604) 222-6482
Fax: 1 (604) 222-1074
Rare Kaon Decays at BNL

BNL Experiment 787 completed data taking at the end of 1998. Analysis of the final data set to improve the branching ratio measurement for the decay K+ -> pi+ nu-nubar is now nearing completion. This and other recent rare K+ decay results from E787 will be presented, along with brief status reports on E949, the successor to E787, and KOPIO, the experiment to measure the branching ratio K0 -> pi0 nu-nubar.

Tony Noble (Carleton University) Plenary
Tel: 1 (613) 520-2600 x1398 --> 1 (705) 692-7000 (at SNO)
Fax: 1 (613) 520-4061 --> 1 (705) 692-7001 (at SNO)
SNO in Summer

The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, SNO, is a deep underground observatory designed to detect neutrinos. The detector is comprised of 1000 tonnes of D2O in an ultra-clean laboratory, located 2 Km underground in a mine near Sudbury, Ontario. Previous experiments have observed too few electron neutrinos from the sun. SNO has the unique ability to determine whether neutrinos from the sun change flavour by measuring both the flux of electron-neutrinos, and the flux for all neutrino types. SNO has been in continuous stable operation since November 1999. It has met all design criteria. SNO will collect data for many years in several different operational phases to optimize the sensitivity for neutrino detection with different reactions. In addition to solar neutrinos, SNO will study atmospheric neutrinos, supernova neutrinos and cosmic ray muons. Observations to date and the future program for this unique Observatory will be described.

Art Olin (TRIUMF/University of Victoria)
Tel: 1 (604) 222-7349
Fax: 1 (604) 222-1074

The TWIST experiment adopted FORTRAN 90 as the language for their analysis code 1.5 years ago. I will discuss some of the new features available in F90 emphasizing features that TWIST uses heavily. Rather than provide a tutorial on F90 syntax, the talk will emphasize the new functionality and usage in a physics context.

James L. Pinfold (University of Alberta) Invited
Tel: 1 (780) 492-2498
Fax: 1 (780) 492-3408
The ATLAS Detector -- A Discovery Device

The ATLAS Detector is a general purpose LHC device capable of efficiently detecting most potential new particle physics signatures at the LHC energy scale. The design of ATLAS will be discussed in terms of three basic systems. The first is the energy and missing energy measurement system consisting of the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimetry in the barrel, endcap, forward and very forward regions. The second is the lepton identification and measurement system, this again includes the calorimetry as well as an extensive muon detection system. The third is the inner tracking and vertex detection system. These three systems will be discussed in terms of their efficacy in the discovery of new physics. Lastly, the current construction status of the ATLAS detector will be presented.

Nathan Rodning (University of Alberta) Invited
Tel: 1 (780) 492-3862
Fax: 1 (780) 492-0714
TWIST - Precision Muon Decay at TRIUMF

Muon decay is an excellent system for the study of the weak interaction. This interaction clearly violates parity, and is thought to have an exact (V-A) structure. TWIST - the TRIUMF Weak Interaction Symmetry Test - is a study of the probability distribution for positrons from muon decay at a level of precision of one part in 10,000 involving physicists from Canada, the United States, and Russia. Data with this precision will allow an unprecedented test of the (V-A) nature of the weak interaction as formulated in the Standard Model.

TWIST will employ a set of precision planar drift chambers in a 2 Tesla solenoidal magnetic field to track positrons from 10^9 muon decays. The experiment is under preparation at TRIUMF in Vancouver, and is expected to be ready for engineering runs during the summer of 2001. The experiment and its potential for interesting physics will be described.

Roger Rusack (University of Minnesota) Invited
Tel: 1 (612) 624-2322
Fax: 1 (612) 624-4578
The Last Fermion

Our understanding of the fundamental constituents of nature requires that a tau neutrino exist as a partner to the tau lepton discovered 25 years ago at SLAC. The definitive proof of the existence of a neutrino has always been to observe its interaction with matter and determine the identity of the lepton produced. The DONUT (Direct Observations of NU Tau) experiment used a Fermilab high-energy proton beam to produce neutrinos and then detected the interaction of those neutrinos producing tau leptons. This talk will describe the experiment, its difficulties, and the results obtained.

Patrick R.B. Saull (Penn State University and Tel Aviv University) Invited
Tel: 49 (40) 8998-3281
Fax: 49 (40) 8998-3295
High Q2 and Exotic Physics with ZEUS at HERA

Benefitting from a huge range of available momentum transfers, ~0.1 < Q2 < ~40 000 GeV2, the HERA ep collider provides a view of the inside of the proton over six orders of magnitude in the Bjorken scaling variable x. As the world's only ep collider, HERA has also yielded some of the tightest constraints on physics beyond the standard model. The latest ZEUS measurements of proton structure at high-Q2 and limits on exotic processes are presented. Prospects for physics after the on-going HERA upgrade, which will yield an increase in the luminosity by a factor of five and enable longitudinal polarisation of the lepton beam, are discussed.

Pekka Sinervo (University of Toronto) Invited
Tel: 1 (416) 978-5270
Fax: 1 (416) 978-8551
The High-Energy Frontier: The CDF II Experiment at Fermilab

The Run II programme at the Fermilab Tevatron is producing the highest-energy matter-antimatter collisions ever observed in a collider environment. The CDF II detector has been designed to record these collisions, which will open up new vistas on the high-energy frontier.

This talk will describe the scientific goals of the CDF II experiment, ranging from detailed studies of the strong and electroweak interactions and heavy quark physics to the search for new interactions and particles. An update on the first phase of Run II and plans for a higher sensitivity run will also be provided.

Douglas Thiessen (University of British Columbia)
Tel: 1 (604) 822-1445
Fax: 1 (604) 822-5324
Muon Identification in the BaBar Experiment

The BaBar experiment has just made the world's most precise measurement of CP violation in the B0 system. Lepton identification played a critical role in accomplishing this task. Leptonic and semi-leptonic decay modes provide the cleanest signals for reconstructing the B0 and its daughter particles. These provide the data for measuring not only CP violation, but also B lifetime and mixing, CKM matrix elements, and many other interesting physics quantities.

The BaBar detector is designed to allow muons to be identified with high efficiency and with a low misidentification probability. The design of the detector and of the algorithms for muon identification will be discussed.

Greg Trayling and W.E. Baylis (University of Windsor)
Tel: 1 (519) 253-3000 x2660
Fax: 1 (519) 253-7075
A Geometric Basis for the Standard-Model Gauge Group

A geometric approach to the standard model in terms of the Clifford algebra Cl_7 is advanced. A key feature of the model is its use of an algebraic spinor for one generation of leptons and quarks. Spinor transformations separate into left-sided ("exterior") and right-sided ("interior") types. By definition, Poincari transformations are exterior ones. We consider all rotations in the seven-dimensional space that (1) conserve the spacetime components of the particle and antiparticle currents and (2) do not couple the right-chiral neutrino. These rotations comprise additional exterior transformations that commute with the Poincari group and form the group SU(2)_L, interior ones that constitute SU(3)_C, and a unique group of coupled double-sided rotations with U(1)_Y symmetry. The spinor mediates a physical coupling of the Poincari and isotopic symmetries within the restrictions of the Coleman-Mandula theorem. The four extra space-like dimensions in the model form a basis for the Higgs isodoublet field, whose symmetry requires the chirality of SU(2). The charge assignments of both the fundamental fermions and the Higgs boson are produced exactly. (Talk based on a paper accepted for publication in J Phys A: Math Gen on March 9, 2001)

Brigitte Vachon (University of Victoria) Invited
Tel: 1 (250) 721-7736 --> 41 (22) 767-8192 (at CERN)
Fax: 1 (250) 721-7752
New Particle Searches at LEP2

Searches for new particles have been performed using all the data collected at the LEP e+e- collider. Results from the search for SUSY particles, heavy and excited leptons, gravity in extra dimensions, leptoquark and FCNC are obtained. No significant deviations from the SM prediction are found. Limits on various model dependent parameters are presented.

Michel Vetterli (TRIUMF)
Tel: 1 (604) 222-7442
Fax: 1 (604) 222-1074
Measurement of Pion Multiplicities at HERMES

Data on hadron production in the deep-inelastic scattering of 27.5~GeV positrons on hydrogen at HERMES are presented. Charged and neutral pion multiplicities are shown as a function of z, where z is the fraction of the energy transferred in the scattering process carried by the pion. Results for neutral and charged pions are compared to test for consistency with isospin invariance. The multiplicity distributions have been integrated over z and the energy fractions carried by charged and neutral pions have been determined. For fixed z the measured multiplicities depend on both the negative squared four momentum transfer Q2 and the Bjorken variable x. The observed dependence on Q2 agrees qualitatively with the expected behaviour based on Next to Leading Order QCD evolution, while the dependence on x is consistent with that of previous data after corrections have been made for the expected Q2 dependence.

Manuella Vincter (University of Alberta) Invited
Tel: 1 (780) 492-3087
Fax: 1 (780) 492-3408
New Results from HERMES

One of the primary goals of the HERMES experiment at the DESY Laboratory is to make a detailed determination of the spin structure of the proton. The proton consists of three valence quarks. Gluons are exchanged between these quarks and occasionally split to produce quark-antiquark pairs (known as sea quarks). All of these components including the orbital angular momentum of the quarks and gluons could in principle contribute to the spin 1/2 of the proton. The quark helicities' contribution to the proton's spin is being measured precisely at HERMES. A first attempt is also made at determining the, as yet unknown, gluon contribution. It has been recently suggested that the orbital angular momentum may be accessed via exclusive photon or pion production processes. Such results will also be presented. HERMES now embarks on the second stage of its spin physics program: measurements of quark transversity. A brief outlook on HERMES run 2 will also be discussed.

Clarence John Virtue (Laurentian University)
Tel: 1 (705) 675-1151 x2223
Fax: 1 (705) 675-4868
The Next Galactic Supernova and SNO

The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory is ready and waiting for the next galactic supernova. The neutrino flux from such a galactic event would produce hundreds to many thousands of interactions in the SNO detector and would shed further light on the physical properties of neutrinos as well as on details of the supernova dynamics. Through the Supernova Early Warning System (SNEWS), SNO and other neutrino detectors will provide a fast and highly reliable advance warning to the astronomical community. This talk explores some of the opportunities for measurements made possible by the unique capabilities of the SNO detector and its participation in SNEWS.

Chris Waltham et al. (University of British Columbia)
Tel: 1 (604) 822-5712
Fax: 1 (604) 822-5324
A 3-D Calculation of Atmospheric Neutrino Fluxes

We present a fully three-dimensional calculation of atmospheric neutrino fluxes using accurate models of the geomagnetic field, hadronic interactions, tracking and decays. Results are presented for the Super-Kamiokande (SK) and Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) sites. We discuss departures from previous 1-D calculations, particularly with regard to overall fluxes, east-west asymmetries, and the recently reported geometrical enhancement of low energy, horizontal neutrinos(1).

(1) P. Lipari, hep/ph-0002282 (2000) and hep/ph-0003013 (2000).

Chris Waltham (University of British Columbia)
Tel: 1 (604) 822-5712
Fax: 1 (604) 822-5324
Through-Going Muons in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

We present initial physics results from observing through-going cosmic ray muons in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO). Most of these events are very high energy downward muons produced by meson decay in the atmosphere. These yield information on the rate, energy spectrum and atmospheric interactions of cosmic rays. The remainder are horizontal and upward muons produced by the interaction of atmospheric neutrinos in the rock surrounding SNO. We are uniquely able to see neutrino-induced muons coming from above the horizontal. The angular distribution of these muons is sensitive to neutrino oscillations.

Templates created on December 20th, 2000, by François Corriveau (corriveau à