2002 Summer Student Job
in Particle Physics
with McGill University

Calorimeter Projects
in the ZEUS Experiment at DESY (Hamburg)


A summer job position is opened in the experimental group of particle physics, at the Department of Physics of McGill University. The particle physics group consists of five faculty members involved in three international fundamental research projects.

The work would be with the ZEUS experiment and would take place on site at the international research center DESY in Hamburg, Germany, from May to August 2002.

The ZEUS project makes use of the HERA accelerator, whereby electrons are collided with protons to investigate several aspects of matter (e.g. proton structure, photon structure), its interactions (e.g. QCD studies, diffraction) as well as look for unusual signals (SUSY, Lepto-quarks, etc..). One of the most important parts of the detector consists in a large uranium-scintillator calorimeter system.

The work would be two-fold: participate in the activities, hardware and/or software tasks of the ZEUS calorimeter group and join a small McGill analysis group using among others the calorimeter data to extract physics information about particle production processes. The student will also be initiated to the methods and techniques of particle physics.

The McGill/ZEUS physics group at DESY consists in one faculty member, two research associates and two graduate students. Similar groups from other Canadian universities (Toronto and York) also share in the effort within the collaboration. The working language is English. The physics student will have his own desk and easy access to the computer network. The student should be especially interested, motivated and open to a challenging research environment.

For more details and further information, please contact:

                          Prof. François Corriveau

                          McGill University
                          Department of Physics
                          3600, University Street
                          Montréal, Québec
                          Canada, H3A 2T8

                    Tel:  (514)-398-6515
                    Fax:  (514)-398-3733
                 Office:  Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, Room 330
                 E-mail:  corriveau à physics.mcgill.ca
               Web Page:  http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~corriveau

Posted on January 15th, 2002.