: To switch your shell globally. Default is tcsh
: To change the attribute of a file or a directory.
Usage: chmod [ugoa][+-][rwx] file
For instance if you don't want others to read your file,
chmod o-r your_fileThat is, ``change the mode of
so that others
can't (-
) read it''.
is the user, that's you.
is all and
is group.
adds the attributes, -
subtracts them,
is write privilege, x
is execute privilege.
file in your home dir. For
instance, add
set path = (. $path)if you want to put the current directory before the default path or
set path = ($path .)to put it after the default path.
convert picture.eps picture.jpgThis converts
to picture.jpg
The known formats are
.ps, .eps, .pdf, .png, .pnm, .gif, .jpg, .tiff
, etc.
If convert
is not installed on your machine, do
which pngtopnm
is in. Go there and ls
You should see 200+ converters for almost all combinations.
ps2epsi picture.ps
ps2ascii paper.ps output.txt
display picture.jpg
is not installed, then use xv
: To be nice to other people using the same machine
nice prog_name
and <
: Redirect.
If a program takes standard input (STDIN)
from the keyboard, you can create a file
with all the data and do
prog < input_dat
and the program will take the lines in input_dat
as if it is given
at the command prompt followed by return
If the program
prints out to the standard output (STDOUT)
or on your screen, you can redirect it to
a file using > output_data
. Namely
prog < input_data > output_dataNote that redirect destroys
. If you want to append to
the file use >> output_data
: Pipe is used when you want to string programs that
take a file as an input but writes on to STDOUT.
Take a look at this example. Suppose you have a jpeg file you want
to convert to a png file. And suppose your convert
does not function
somehow. Now there is this command
jpegtopnm picture.jpgwhich writes out a pnm file to STDOUT, or on your screen. Don't try this. It'll mess up your screen. You can always redirect it
jpegtopnm picture.jpg > picture.pnmthen use
pnmtopng picture.pnm > picture.pngagain redirecting it to a file. This process, however, can be short-circuited using pipe:
jpegtopnm picture.jpg | pnmtopng > picture.pngThis is also very useful when a program produces a massive amount of output that just flies by. In that case try
prog_name | lessYou can then treat the output of this program as if it is a file and use
to navigate around.
: To globally search regular expression and print the
Or in English, grabs line that contains a word or phrase from a file
or files and writes to STDOUT.
grep word file.txt or grep "A word with you, sir." file*.txt