Les intérêts des membres du département de physique sont
multiples. Nos professeurs sont ravis de partager leur passion avec des
groupes intéressés et proposent des conférences de
vulgarisation dont les sujets ci-dessous. Pour plus de renseignements,
veuillez contacter
outreach à physics point mcgill point ca.
Faculty members in the Department of Physics have diverse interests and it
may be possible to arrange public lectures to interested groups on any of
the following topics. For additional information, please contact
outreach at physics dot mcgill dot ca.
[Matière Condensée]
[Physique Subatomique]
[Condensed Matter Physics]
[Subatomic Physics]
- Was there a Big Bang?
- Robert Brandenberger
- Origin of Structure in the Universe.
- Robert Brandenberger
- Cosmology - understanding the universe we live in
- Matt Dobbs
- Cosmology and early universe
- Keshav DasGupta
- Black holes and their mysteries
- Keshav DasGupta
- Particle Astrophysics - A New View of the Universe
- David Hanna
- The Cosmic Microwave Background
- Gil Holder
- Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe
- Gil Holder
- The State of the Universe
- Gil Holder
- Neutron Stars
- Victoria Kaspi
- The Violent High Energy Universe
- Victoria Kaspi
- The New Starry Messengers
- Ken Ragan
- More colours than the eye can see: astronomy from X-ray to radio
- Tracy Webb
- Everything you ever wanted to know about galaxies!
- Tracy Webb
- A rough guide to the Universe: what we know, how we know it, and what
we'd like to find out
- Tracy Webb
[Matière Condensée]
[Physique Subatomique]
[Condensed Matter Physics]
[Subatomic Physics]
- Nanotechnology: there is plenty of room at the bottom
- Peter Grütter
- New quantum and nano-materials
- Michael Hilke
- Using x-rays to see atoms
- Mark Sutton
- Physics at the interface with Biology...What is Biophysics?
- Paul Wiseman
- Physics inside living Cells...How do Cells Move?
- Paul Wiseman
[Matière Condensée]
[Physique Subatomique]
[Condensed Matter Physics]
[Subatomic Physics]
- Rutherford À McGill ou les débuts de la physique nucléaire
- Rutherford at McGill; the Early Days of Nuclear Physics
- Jean Barrette
- Des atomes aux quarks ou sur les constituants fondamentaux de l'Univers
- From Atoms to Quarks: On the Basic Constituents of the Universe
- Jean Barrette
- Des quarks aux galaxies ou comment l'univers s'est construit
- From Quarks to Galaxies: The Construction of our Universe
- Jean Barrette
- Une Question d'échelle: minuscule ou infinitésimal?
- A Matter of Scale: Small, Smaller, Smallest?
- François Corriveau
- L'énigme de la nature du photon
- A Puzzle: the Nature of the Photon
- François Corriveau
- Collisionneurs de particules: circulaires ou linéaires?
- Particle Colliders: circular or linear?
- François Corriveau
- Atoms and atomic structure
- Keshav DasGupta
- Aspects of string theory
- Keshav DasGupta
- Chauds les noyaux! La matière nucléaire dans tous ses états
- Charles Gale
- Creating a Little Big Bang
- Sangyong Jeon
- Hottest ever since the Big Bang
- Sangyong Jeon
- Beauty and the Beast: a tale of B mesons and the BABAR experiment
- Steve Robertson
- The ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
- Brigitte Vachon
- What does a particle physicist do all day?
- Brigitte Vachon
- Dan Brown's Angels and Demons: Facts and Fiction
- Brigitte Vachon
- The Top Quark
- Brigitte Vachon
- What Can the Smallest Particles tell Us about the Biggest Questions in
- Andreas Warburton
- High-Energy Subatomic Physics: Smashing Matter at the Very Highest
- Andreas Warburton
[Matière Condensée]
[Physique Subatomique]
[Condensed Matter Physics]
[Subatomic Physics]
- Newton: Une pemière révolution en science
- The Newtonian revolution and how his discovery changed our philosophy of
- Jean Barrette
- La physique quantique: la révolution de l'étrange
- On the strange Quantum Physics
- Jean Barrette
- En quoi Einstein changea notre vision de l'espace et du temps
- How Einstein Revolutionized Physics
- Jean Barrette
- Newton's laws and gravitation
- Keshav DasGupta
- Einstein Theory
- Keshav DasGupta
- Quantum mechanics
- Keshav DasGupta
- What is it like to be a physicists?
- Richard (dik) Harris
- Ordinateurs Quantiques
- Quantum Computing
- Quantencomputer
- Michael Hilke
- When size doesn't matter: our multifractal world
- Shaun Lovejoy