McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics
Informal Pizza Seminar

Neutrino Oscillations in Five Dimensions

C.S. Lam


If a single large fifth dimension is present, neutrino oscillation is possibly the only way to detect it via high energy physics. Neutrino oscillation data indicate superficially that such a fifth dimension does not exist, but there are ways to go around this conclusion. I will discuss a simple model which allows the fifth dimension to exist. In fact, according to this model, the observed large neutrino mixing is a consequence of the strong coupling between the brane and bulk neutrinos. This model also explains the smallness of the reactor mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ to be due to the small ratio of the solar to atmospheric mass gaps.

Tuesday, January 15th 2002, 13:10
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 326