Physical Society Colloquium
Andreas Warburton Cornell University The Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) has provided the highest luminosity collisions between energy-symmetric beams of electrons and positrons. I will discuss how 19.2 million B mesons, products of these e+, e- collisions that have been recorded by the CLEO detector, are being used to study the strength (|Vub|) of the rare weak flavour transition from a bottom quark into an up quark. The value of |Vub|, a fundamental parameter of Nature, forms a key element of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) quark-mixing matrix, which encodes much of our knowledge of the number of quark generations, the weak interactions between quarks, and the degree of CP violation.
Wednesday, January 30th 2002, 15:30 |