Michael Riveline McGill University Abstract: With the advent of the HERA accelerator, the kinematic region available to test QCD effects has widen a lot. This enables the various models of parton evolution to be tested up to the boundaries of their validity range. New models for QCD cascades have became increasingly popular over the last decade, like the Colour Dipole Model or the BFKL equation. These models provide a natural explanation for some well-known features of the structure function of the proton, like the steep rise at low x-Bjorken (the so-called "breaking of the Bjorken scaling"). These new pictures can be tested by studying jet properties in the ZEUS detector, namely the production of forward going jets in the laboratory frame at low x-Bjorken and the di-jet azimuthal correlation between the di-jet system.
Thursday, November 12th 1998, 15:30 |