McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics
MJHEP seminar

Nuclear disassembly and signatures of phase transition

S. K. Samaddar

Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
Department of Physics
McGill University

Theoretical studies of the nuclear equation of state indicate that both infinite nuclear matter as well as finite nuclei behave like a van der Waals gas. One then expects a liquid-gas type phase transition with the heating up of a nucleus. Experiments are now possible through heavy ion collisions with bombarding energies in the range of a few tens of MeV/A to a few hundreds of MeV/A to excite a nucleus to the desired degree. The final states of all such reactions consist of a large number of fragments of different sizes. The question is how to extract the signatures of a liquid-gas type phase transition from the study of this disassembled nucleus? Some of these aspects are highlighted.

Wednesday, October 13th 1999, 15:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 305