MSI Seminar
The Emerging 5.0 Era: Law, Governance and Ethics at
the Frontier
Timiebi Aganaba-Jeanty
School for the Future of Innovation in Society Arizona
State University
The future I was referring to in my 2019 TEDx talk “The Future of the
Space 4.0 era”, has already arrived in the form of Space 5.0.
Being a space advocate in the space 4.0 era has engendered mixed feelings of
excitement and worry. Is our space future going to be one marked by promise
and progress or more of the same injustices we have seen in the past, as
scientists and innovators pay little attention to social concerns? A new
breed of advocates are calling for change which marks the Space 5.0 era.
Space 5.0 is characterized by 4 trends which have law, governance and ethics
at the center:
1, Resisting the structures of coloniality: This is not just about
inclusion and opening the door a little, but shattering the narratives
and foundations of space exploration, its why and the place of different
stakeholders. Concurrently, as the future is for all, the approach needs
to be centered on a thought out cosmopolitanism that recognizes common and
differentiated obligations, and benefits for humanity.
2. A move towards Operationalizing Equity: But, how do we think about
this practically? We must look at the concept of fairness in international
law and bring sociology into law. This calls for a focus on justice in
interpretation, which is beyond law.
3. Application of principles of general areas of terrestrial law to the
space domain: For example what is the place of Individuals and human
rights as we start thinking seriously about space settlement and how do
we think of space as an environment that requires sustainable development,
requiring the application of environmental law standards?
4. If coalitions will be leading exploration, then what are the
applicable principles of polycentric governance that apply? As the
US led Artemis Accords may need to be applied alongside a Chinese-Russian
led governance system? How do we interact between legal orders? Could there
even be a non-aligned movement too made up of non-state actors, focused on
organizing and governing themselves through transactions, contract and private
law principles?
As we move towards mainstreaming these concerns and sensibilities, it is the
time for us all to be inward focused and reflective as Judith Butlers “Taking
Account of Oneself” calls for. As we are more aware of ourselves and what
drives us, we will be able to open up ourselves to hear the other. This talk
will provide food for thought to help us do just that.
Tuesday, March 30th 2021, 15:30