HEP Theory Journal ClubBaryon acoustic oscillations from the SDSS galaxies angular correlation functionJailson AlcanizObservatorio Nacional & McGillThe 2-point angular correlation function, w(θ), where θ is the angular separation between pairs of galaxies, provides the transversal Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) signal almost model-independently. In this talk I will discuss current measurements of θBAO(z) using a large sample of luminous red galaxies in the redshift range z = [0.4,0.7] obtained from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Since noise and systematics can hide the BAO signature in the w-θ plane, we also discuss some model-independent criteria to localize the acoustic bump. We identify two sources of model-dependence in the analysis, namely, the value of the acoustic scale from Cosmic Microwave Background measurements and the correction in the θBAO(z) position due to projection effects. We describe how θBAO(z) measurements can provide a CMB-independent estimate of the length of the BAO feature. Constraints on the dark energy equation-of-state parameter w(z) from the θBAO(z) diagram are derived. We find that the standard ΛCDM model as well as some of its extensions are in good agreement with these θBAO(z) measurements.
Wednesday, October 18th 2017, 12:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 326 |