McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

Montréal Joint High Energy Physics seminar

Search for Technicolor Particle at D0

Lorenzo Feligioni

Boston University

A study of eν + bQ production, where Q = b, c-quark, at DZero using e+jets events in 388 pb-1 of integrated luminosity is presented. We select events with b-quark jets by identifying secondary vertices in the jets. Our findings are interpreted in terms of limits on the production of particles predicted by extended technicolor models and in particular for the production decay chain ρT → W(->eν)+πT. In the absence of an excess over standard model background, we compute a 95% C.L. upper limit on the techniparticle production cross section for the ρT mass range: 190 GeV/c2 <= m(ρT) <= 220 GeV/c2.

Tuesday, August 23rd 2005, 10:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)