Seminar in Hadronic Physics
Photon emission from quark-gluon plasma out of equilibrium
Sigtryggur Hauksson
Nuclear Theory Group McGill University
The quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in heavy-ion collisions has very low
transport coefficients, including the lowest ratio of shear viscosity to
entropy density of any known material. More accurate values of these transport
coefficients could be obtained through experimental probes like jets and photons
which are sensitive to the whole evolution of the QGP. This requires a study
of these probes in a QGP medium out of thermal equilibrium. In this talk we
present the first field-theoretical study of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal
(LPM) effect for photons in a non-equilibrium QGP. The LPM effect describes
how photon emission rates are reduced significantly because the emitting quark
scatters repeatedly and coherently off the medium. We derive an integral
equation that captures this effect and discuss its range of validity. In
the special case of an isotropic plasma the equation only depends on three
non-equilibrium constants.
Tuesday, November 21st 2017, 14:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)