McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

HEP Theory Journal Club

Heavy-light correlators in high dimensions

Yue-Zhou Li


I am going to talk about heavy-heavy-light-light four-point functions that has a meaningful gravity dual typically in higher dimensions. In particular, the heavy states correspond to black holes. It was conjectured in the literature that for holographic pure gravity, the leading-twist graviton exchange is universal, similar to Virasoro conformal block in CFT2. I'll explain how to use Lorentzian inversion formula to provide strong evidence for such a universality in CFT, without holography, for both s-channel leading-twist multi-stress-tensor and t-channel large spin double-twist operators. It is also nice to discuss finite spin for t-channel operators at leading order and handle external dimension poles in the calculations.

Wednesday, October 7th 2020, 12:30