McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

Theory HEP Seminar

The fate of stringy non-invertible symmetries

Miguel Montero

IFT Madrid

Non-invertible symmetries are a recently proposed extension of the concept of symmetry that does not require the existence of an inverse for each symmetry operator. They have been reecently applied to a variety of problems in QFT. However, their fate in EFT's coupled to gravity remain unclear. In this talk I will present and discuss a class of non-invertible symmetries that arise in perturbative string theory at tree level from exact worldsheet CFT non-invertible symmetries. They are all broken by loop effects. In spite of this, they can still be useful to constrain the spectrum of the theory and I will explain how they can be used to strengthen the existing worldsheet proofs of the Distance/Weak Gravity Conjectures, as well as to control couplings of the theory via non-invertible supersymmetries.

Monday, May 13th 2024, 11:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 326 / Online