Mini-workshop on calorimetry
Pierre Petroff
Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Lineaire
Université de Paris-Sud
- A - Basic Principles
- Monday, March 27th 2006, 10:00-11:30 (R.E. Bell Conference Room -
room 103)
- A1 - EM shower development
- A2 - Hadronic shower development
- A3 - Sampling calorimeters
- A4 - Role of e/h in hadronic energy measurements
- A5 - Sampling fluctuations
- A6 - Resolution
- B - Signal processing (emphasis on the ATLAS
and DZero calorimeters)
- Monday, March 27th 2006, 15:00-16:30 (Room 326)
- B1 - Overview
- B2 - Signal in LAr
- B3 - Signal processing: from calo cell to FE electronics
- B4 - Electronic noise and pileup noise
- B5 - Online electronics calibration
- C - ATLAS and DZero calorimeters performance
- Tuesday, March 28th 2006, 10:30-11:30
(R.E. Bell Conference Room - room 103)
- C1 - EM objects reconstruction
- C2 - Jets reconstruction
- C3 - Offline calibration
- C31 - EM (Z and J/Ψ)
- C32 - Jets: Jet Energy Scale (JES)
- C4 - Performances
- C41 - Physics results for D0
- C42 - test beam for ATLAS