Seminar in Hadronic PhysicsMapping out the phase diagram of QCD in hadronic transportAgnieszka SorensenUCLACritical behavior in hadronic transport is largely unexplored. With few exceptions, hadronic potentials are neglected in hybrid simulations, which means that transport may be missing many-body effects likely to be increasingly important at high baryon densities. Moreover, a consistent treatment of the entire span of a hybrid heavy-ion collision simulation calls for employing hadronic interactions that reproduce properties of a particular EOS used in the hydrodynamic stage. However, the few hadronic transport codes that do employ mean-field potentials only take into the account the behavior of ordinary nuclear matter without the possible QGP phase transition. In this talk, I will present an approach to this problem in which the EOS of nuclear matter and the corresponding single-particle equations of motion used in transport are both obtained from a relativistic density functional with fully parameterizable interactions. I will show that this model is readily constrained to reproduce desired sets of the QCD EOS properties, which include the known behavior of ordinary nuclear matter as well as a family of possible phase transitions at high baryon number density. I will then discuss the behavior of nuclear matter in a number of scenarios simulated in hadronic transport, including evolution in the vicinity of a critical point of the QCD phase transition. I will also highlight the relation between quantities calculated in infinite, continuous matter calculations and observables obtained from simulations using a finite number of particles. [Ref: arXiv:2011.06635
Friday, December 4th 2020, 11:00
Tele-seminar |