CANCELLEDTheory HEP SeminarEvolving Black Holes in slow-roll InflationJennie TraschenUMass AmherstWe present an analytic, perturbative solution that describes dynamical black holes in slow-role inflation with arbitrary potential. It is shown that the spacetime evolves through a sequence of Schwarzchild-deSitter spacetimes with time dependent cosmological constant and mass parameters, such that the cosmological constant is instanteously equal to the value of the potential. The evolution is along a natural cosmological time coordinate such with the scalar field constant on each spatial slice. The areas of the black hole and cosmological horizons each increase in time as the effective cosmological constant decreases, in such a way that the first law of thermodynamics is obeyed between successive time steps.
Tuesday, March 14th 2017, 12:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 326 |