Research Highlights/Interests
The research in our group falls along the following general themes:
Quantum protocols
One of the emerging goals in science today is the
development of quantum simulators and quantum computers. The challenges on
this front include, for instance: i) how can we stabilize quantum memories,
and correct for errors from decoherence and dissipation? ii) how can we
prepare quantum states of matter in specific eigenstates and with certain
entanglement features? iii) what are feasible channels to implementing
universal quantum gates? These questions are also motivating an entirely new
approach towards studying quantum dynamics in non-equilibrium settings.
There is immense potential for novel research combining both numerical and
analytical techniques to make progress on such questions. In this regard, we
are recently working towards new protocols to create ground states of
interacting quantum systems that could be used in ultracold atoms, protocols
to stabilize quantum bits in topological superconductors, and new error
correction codes. Our research goals are also motivated by new experimental
developments in the engineering of artificial quantum systems.
Quantum thermalization, many-body localization and non-equilibrium phases of quantum matter
The principles of thermodynamics (as well as our usual
intuition from the macroscopic world) suggests that when two bodies at
different temperatures are brought together, they equilibrate to the same
intermediate temperature by exchanging heat and matter. Many-body
localization is a quantum phase that defies this very basic expectation. A
transition between equilibrating and non-equilibrium matter is much like a
quantum phase transition, but one that now occurs for all eigenstates
simultaneously as opposed to just occurring in the ground state.
Understanding such a transition is a key theoretical goal because it has the
possibility of revealing the role of quantum mechanics in thermalization and
macroscopic dynamics at a level never understood before. Many-body
localization is also the backbone for developing phases of matter that only
exist in out-of-equilibrium conditions, such as time-crystals, or exhibit
topological order at all energy densities. We are interested in both purely
theoretical questions, as well as opportunities for exploring potential
applications of such novel physics.
Novel spectroscopic probes
A variety of interesting physical phenomena show
up in scaling properties of correlation functions and require measurement
across a set of length- and/or time-scales. These phenomena cannot be
measured by traditional probes that measure charge or heat transport across
the length of a sample, and typically at low frequencies. For instance,
recent research suggests that there may be fundamental bounds on viscous
transport (which has consequences for transport at finite length scales)
that are saturated in the limit of strong interactions. These
scale-dependent features often carry important signatures about the system
and interactions. One important avenue for exploring such physics
experimentally is using Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers, which are a type of
defect in diamond that can be thought of as a tiny polarized magnetic
moment. We recently proposed experiments to measure hydrodynamic transport
coefficients among other properties in low-dimensional materials, and have
worked with experimentalists to identify a phononic Cerenkov effect in
graphene. We aim to continue working with experimentalists both at McGill
and elsewhere to explore the potential of such devices and more that allow
for a direct probe of novel dynamical features in quantum systems.