From mvincter à  Fri Jun 20 05:48:55 2003
Date: 	Fri, 20 Jun 2003 04:02:12 -0600 (MDT)
From: Manuella Vincter <mvincter à>
To: Francois Corriveau <corriveau à>
Subject: PPD report (attached) and minutes (given below)

	Minutes of the 2003 CAP congress PPD AGM
	Charlottetown, PEI, Tues June 10, 2003
	Chair: Manuella Vincter

* the new PPD website at was announced

* student awards:
  - a $150 award was made to the WRNPPC towards the best student talk awards
  - the first CAP-PPD  best student talk prize at the CAP congress ($300) was
awarded to Ian Vollrath of the University of Toronto.

* the 2002 and 2003 CAP-PPD budgets were presented (see slides of the
presentation). As of Dec 31, 2002, the balance of the PPD account was $3933.10.
The projected balance for the 2003 year was $2958.10. The PPD division
currently has approximately 160 members. The members present at the congress
voted to increase the PPD membership fee from $5 to $10. This would enable the
PPD chair to invite one plenary speaker to the CAP congress every two to
three years.

* The new vice-chair of the PPD is Clarence Virtue of Laurentian University.


    PPD Report:  (.pdf) or <.ps.gz)