Vision and Values

scientific vision

We develop and apply novel analysis algorithms to data from intensity mapping telescopes to understand the currently unexplored epoch of Cosmic Dawn and to construct the largest ever 3D map of our cosmos. These maps enable us to probe the fundamental nature of our Universe and how it came to be.

Group vision

We are all apprentices, whether of each other, of other scientists, or of our Universe. Everyone has something to learn, and the ability to be self-critical is crucial. Science is our goal, but we are people first and scientists second; mutual respect for each other as individuals is therefore a non-negotiable requirement. We are honest about our weaknesses and are receptive to constructive feedback. While academia can be competitive, within our group and our colleagues we do not compete. Instead, we collaborate and help each other as we “fail our way to success”.

We value our group members' involvement in a variety of community-oriented efforts. Prof. Adrian Liu chairs the McGill Department of Physics' Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee, helped to draft our department's Values Statement, and is the faculty representative on the department's Climate Survey. We lead many of the programs in our department's Outreach Program Physics Matters and help to organize the annual McGill Physics Hackathon. We encourage everyone to get involved and are happy to chat about any of this!