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Effects of varying unit ball

In polar coordinates, we can represent the unit ball by it's radius R as a function of angle theda; a simple parametrization is: . psi is a parameter that varies from 0 to pi/2 (=1.57), n is an integer, and theda0 is an angle. When psi=0, the unit ball is a circle, as psi increases, the unit ball becomes more and more anisotropic; in the previous notation, the maximum distance form the origin is: r_max=1+sin(psi), and the minimum is: r_min=1-sin(psi). In the topography examples below, we took n=3 in an attempt to simulate ridges which spit into two crests. From left to right, we increase psi, from top to bottom, we increase theda0.

scale functions | topography


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