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Very realistic clouds can be modeled with universal multifractals.
Many of the 2D clouds on this site are shown with false colour, so, by
way of comparison, under the same false colour scheme, real clouds look
And here is a representative multifractal cloud:
Upper left is the top of a 3D multifractal field of Liquid Water
Density (LWC) in (false colours, 256X256X128 grid). At right, we view
one of the sides. The horizontal statistics are very close to those
observed by aircraft and are close to those of passive scalars, i.e.
alpha=1.8, C1=0.1, H=1/3. The vertical stratification is produced
with the observed Hz=5/9, with sphero-scale =32 pixels so that it
appears to have embedded upward oriented convective type structures.
The other fields are produced by simulating the radiation only taking
into account single scattering (visible, right top and bottom), and
emission and absorption (Infra Red, lower left, radiation field with
a mean optical thickness 50, false colours, linear temperature gradient
(from 300 K to 220K). The upper right is top view of the visible radiance,
sun at 45 degrees, bottom right is the same but viewed looking up
from underneath (mean optical thickness=50, viewed from infinity).
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