Shaun Lovejoy |
Scientometrics data from Google Scholar: Feb. 14, 2025
ISI h-index: 48, 210 publications, citations 9152 (Feb. 2025). 2024 Lovejoy, S., A. Spridonov, 2024: . The Fractional MacroEvolution Model: a simple quantitative scaling macroevolution model. Paleobiology. Published online 2024:1-25. doi:10.1017/pab.2023.38. Online version. Lovejoy, S., 2024: Disillusionment with climate models: Predicting Our Climate Future: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Can’t Know, David Stainforth, Physics Today 77 (3), 41–42 (2024); Online version. Acuña Reyes, N., van't Wout, E., Lovejoy, S., and Lambert, F., 2024: Geographic variability in dust and temperature in climate scaling regimes over the Last Glacial Cycle, Clim. Past, 20(7), 1579-1594 doi: 10.5194/cp-20-1579-2024, 2024. Online version. 2023 Lovejoy, S., L. Del Rio Amador, 2023: CanStoc: A Hybrid Stochastic–GCM System for Monthly, Seasonal and Interannual Prediction, Meteorology, 2, 509–529, Online version. Zuberi, A., Jurgensen, A., and Lovejoy, S., 2023: Who will provide security guarantees to Russia?, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 1-6 doi: 10.1080/11926422.2023.2203937. Online version. Lovejoy, S. 2023: Scaling, dynamical regimes and stratification: How long does weather last? How big is a cloud? Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 30, 311–374, 2023, Online version. Lovejoy, S. 2023: Scaling, dynamical regimes and stratification: How long does weather last? How big is a cloud? Discussion paper, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (2/23). Spiridonov, S. Lovejoy, S. 2023: Scaling in the Evolution of Biodiversity, Critical Concepts In Biological Theory, Biological Theory, 2022 Spiridonov, A., L. Balakauskas, S. Lovejoy, 2022: Longitudinal expansion fitness of brachiopod genera controlled by the Wilson cycle, Global and Planetary Change, Lovejoy, S. 2022: The Future of Climate Modelling: Weather Details, Macroweather stochastics – or both? Meteorology, 1, 414–449. Online version. Procyk, R., Lovejoy, S., and Hébert, R. 2022: The fractional energy balance equation for climate projections through 2100, Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 81–107, Online version. Press release. Lovejoy, S. 2022: Fractional relaxation noises, motions and the fractional energy balance equation, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 29, 93–121, Online version. Lovejoy, S. 2022: The 2021 “complex systems” Nobel prize: The climate, with and without geocomplexity. AGU Advances, 3, e2021AV000640. Oneline version. Highlighted in EOS. Spiridonov, A. and S. Lovejoy, 2022: Life rather than climate influences diversity at scales greater than 40 million years. Nature, 607, p 307–312, Online version. Press release. Lovejoy, S.,2022: Scaling and scale invariance, in Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences, Eds: B. S. Daya Sagar, Q. Cheng, J. McKinley, F. Agterberg, Editors, pp. 1-13, Springer International Publishing, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-26050-7_282-1. 2021 Lovejoy, S., R. Procyk, R. Hebert, L. Del Rio Amador, 2021: Lovejoy S, Procyk R, Hébert R, Rio Amador L. The fractional energy balance equation. Q J R Meteorol Soc. 2021; 147, 1964–1988, Del Rio Amador, L., and Lovejoy, S., 2021: Long-range Forecasting as a Past Value Problem: Using Scaling to Untangle Correlations and Causality Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, 727–756, doi: 10.1029/2020GL092147. Supplementary material. Del Rio Amador, L., and Lovejoy, S., 2021: Using regional scaling for temperature forecasts with the Stochastic Seasonal to Interannual Prediction System (StocSIPS), Clim. Dyn., 57, 727–756, doi: 10.1007/s00382-021-05737-5. Lovejoy, S., 2021: The Half-order Energy Balance Equation, Part 1: The homogeneous HEBE and long memories, Earth Syst. Dyn. 12, 1–18, Online version. Lovejoy, S., 2021: The Half-order Energy Balance Equation, Part 2: The inhomogeneous HEBE and 2D energy balance models, Earth Syst. Dyn., 12, 1–23, Online version. Hébert, R., · Lovejoy, S. · Tremblay, B., 2021: An observation-based scaling model for climate sensitivity estimates and global projections to 2100, Climate Dynamics, Press release. Media: Le Métro (French), The prevention Web. Climate Dynamics highlighted paperof the year 2021, free download until March 22. 2020 Lovejoy, S., 2020: The Half-order Energy Balance Equation, Part 1: Lovejoy, S., 2020: The Half-order Energy Balance Equation, Part 2: The inhomogeneous HEBE and 2D energy balance models, Earth Syst. Dyn. Disc., Revised version 29.11.20. Full version in press. Procyk, R. S. Lovejoy, R. Hébert, 2020: The Fractional Energy Balance Equation for Climate projections through 2100, Earth System Dyn. Discuss., Lovejoy, S. L, Del Rio Amador, R. Procyk, 2020: Correcting Budyko-Sellers boundary conditions: The Half-order Energy Balance Equation (HEBE), at the 2020 EGU virtual General Assembly, powerpoint presentation EGU2020-11557 (including audio). 2019 Lovejoy, S., F. Lambert, 2019: Spiky Fluctuations and Scaling in High-Resolution EPICA Ice Core Dust Fluxes,, 2019, Clim. Past, 15, 1999–2017, 2019. Lovejoy, S., 2019, Weather, Macroweather and Climate: our random yet predictable atmosphere, 334 pp., Oxford U. Press, ISBN 978-0-19-086421-7, New York, N.Y. USA. Flyer. Table of Contents, Preface. Reviewed in Physics Today by Costas Varotsos. For scanned version, click here. Del Rio Amador, L., S. Lovejoy, 2019: Predicting the global temperature with the Stochastic Seasonal to Interannual Prediction System (StocSIPS), Clim. Dyn. 53, 4373–4411, Landais, F., F. Schmidt, and S. Lovejoy, 2019: Topography of (exo)planets, MNRAS, 484, 787–793 doi: 10.1093/mnras/sty3253. For a popular article, Astrobiology Web. Landais, F., F. Schmidt, S. Lovejoy, 2019: Multifractal topography of several planetary bodies in the Solar System, Icarus 319, 14–20, 2018 Lovejoy, S., 2018: Spectra, intermittency, and extremes of weather, macroweather and climate, Nature Sci. Rep., 8: 12697, p1-13, | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-30829-4 Hébert, R., S. Lovejoy, 2018: Regional Climate Sensitivity and Historical Based Projections to 2100, Geophys Res Lett, 45, 4248-4254, doi: 10.1002/2017GL076649, Supplementary material. Press release. 2017 Lovejoy, S., 2017: How scaling fluctuation analysis transforms our view of the climate, PAGES Magazine 25(3), p136-137, Lovejoy, S., 2017: Why the Warming Can’t be Natural: The Nonlinear Geophysics of Climate Closure, In Fractals: Concepts and Applications in Geosciences, Ed. B. Ghanbarian, p. 190-230, CRC press. Lovejoy, S., L. Del Rio Amador, R. Hébert, 2017: Harnessing butterflies: theory and practice of the Stochastic Seasonal to Interannual Prediction System (StocSIPS), In Nonlinear Advances in Geosciences, A.A. Tsonis ed. Springer Nature, 305-355, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-58895-7_17. Lovejoy, S. 2017: How accurately do we know the temperature of the surface of the earth? Climate Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3561-9. Blog explanation. Lovejoy, S., 2017: Scaling Geocomplexity and Remote Sensing, In Integrating Scale in Remote Sensing and GIS book, ch. 3, p41-94, Ed. D. Quattrochi, Taylor and Francis. 2016 Chen, W., S. Lovejoy, J. P. Muller, 2016: Mars’ atmosphere: the sister planet, our statistical twin, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 11968-11988, doi:10.1002/2016JD025211. EOS spotlight on this paper. Lovejoy, S., CVAS Science committee 2016: Program News: Climate Variability Across Scales: from centuries to millennia (CVAS), PAGES magazine, 24 (1), 32-32. Lovejoy, S., M. Crucifix, A. de Vernal, 2016: Workshop Report: Scale and Scaling in the Climate System Montreal, Canada, 5-7 October 2015, PAGES magazine, 24 (1), 33-33. Lovejoy, S., L. del Rio Amador, R. Hébert, and I. de Lima, 2016: Giant natural fluctuation models and anthropogenic warming, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL070428. Supplement (prepublication version): how to (almost) win D. Keenan's climate contest. Blog summary, discussion. Keenan’s Giant Natural Fluctuation model unveiled, Dec. 7, 2016. S. Lovejoy, 2016: The $100,000 Giant Climate Fluctuation, The Huffington Post, Aug. 12, 2016. S. Lovejoy, 2016: La grande fluctuation naturelle a un prix: 100 000 $, Le Huffington Post Quebec, 9 Août, 2016, Huffington Post blog (in French). Lovejoy, S., M. Crucifix, A. De Vernal, 2016, Characterizing climate fluctuations over wide-scale ranges, Eos, 97, doi:10.1029/2016EO055791. Published on 14 July, 2016. Lovejoy, S., C. Varotsos and N. Sarlis, 2016: Summary of the discussion (Interactive comment on “Comment on "Scaling regimes and linear/nonlinear responses of last millennium climate to volcanic and solar forcing" by S. Lovejoy and C. Varotsos” by K. Rypdal and M. Rypdal” Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., doi:10.5194/esd-2016-10-SC7, 2016. Varotsos, C., S. Lovejoy, and N. Sarlis, 2016: Final comment on low frequency linearity, nonlinearity (Interactive comment on “Comment on "Scaling regimes and linear/nonlinear responses of last millennium climate to volcanic and solar forcing" by S. Lovejoy and C. Varotsos” by K. Rypdal and M. Rypdal),. Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., doi:10.5194/esd-2016-10-SC5, 2016 Lovejoy, S., C. Varotsos, and N. Sarlis, 2016: Summary of Lovejoy and Varotsos rebuttal (SC1, SC2, and SC3) to Rypdal and Rypdal comment and replies (AC1, AC2, AC3, and AC4) (Interactive comment on “Comment on "Scaling regimes and linear/nonlinear responses of last millennium climate to volcanic and solar forcing" by S. Lovejoy and C. Varotsos” by K. Rypdal and M. Rypdal), Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., doi:10.5194/esd-2016-10, 2016. Lovejoy, S., C. Varotsos, 2016: On the importance and significance of Intermittency, Rebuttal of Section 3 of Rypdal and Rypdal 2016. Interactive comment on “Comment on "Scaling regimes and linear/nonlinear responses of last millennium climate to volcanic and solar forcing" by S. Lovejoy and C. Varotsos” by K. Rypdal and M. Rypdal, Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., doi:10.5194/esd-2016-10-SC1, 2016. Lovejoy, S., C. Varotsos, 2016: Trained Eye deceived by fractal clustering, Interactive comment on “Comment on: Scaling regimes and linear/nonlinear responses of last millennium climate to volcanic and solar forcing by S. Lovejoy and C. Varotsos” by K. Rypdal and M. Rypdal ,, Interactive comment on Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., doi:10.5194/esd-2016-10, 2016. Varotsos, C., S. Lovejoy, 2016: On testing the additivity of Zebiak-Cane model response to volcanic and solar forcing, Interactive comment on “Comment on "Scaling regimes and linear/nonlinear responses of last millennium climate to volcanic and solar forcing" by S. Lovejoy and C. Varotsos” by K. Rypdal and M. Rypdal. The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:, Interactive comment on Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., doi:10.5194/esd-2016-10, 2016. Lovejoy, S. C. Varotsos, 2016: Scaling regimes and linear/nonlinear responses of last millennium climate to volcanic and solar forcings, Earth Syst. Dynam., 7, 1–18, doi:10.5194/esd-7-1-2016. 2015 Lovejoy, S. , 2015: A voyage through scales, a missing quadrillion and why the climate is not what you expect, Climate Dynamics, Climate Dynamics: Volume 44, Issue 11, Page 3187-3210, doi: 10.1007/s00382-014-2324-0. Blog summary of paper Hébert, R., S. Lovejoy, 2015: The runaway Green’s function effect: Interactive comment on “Global warming projections derived from an observation-based minimal model” by K. Rypdal, Earth System Dyn. Disc. 6, C944–C953, 2015. Lovejoy, S., 2015: Interactive comment on “Late quaternary temperature variability described as abrupt transitions on a 1/f noise background” by M. Rypdal and K. Rypdal Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., 6, C925–C926, 2015, de Lima, M. I. P.; S. Lovejoy, 2015: Macroweather precipitation variability up to global and centennial scales,Water Resour. Res., 51, p. 9490-9513, doi:10.1002/2015WR017455. Lovejoy, S., 2015: Why the warming can’t be natural: the nonlinear geophysics of climate closure, 2015: Fractals: Concepts and Applications in Geosciences, ed. Behzad Ghanbarian, CRC press (in press). Lovejoy, S., 2015: Climate Closure, Eos, 96, doi:10.1029/2015EO037499. Published on 20 October 2015. Print version. Lovejoy, S. ,C. A. Varotsos, 2015: Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., 6, 1815–1862, 2015: Scaling regimes and linear and nonlinear responses of last millennium climate models to volcanic and solar forcings doi:10.5194/esdd-6-1815-2015 Lovejoy, S., 2015: The macroweather to climate transition in the Holocene: regional and epoch to epoch variability (comments on “Are there multiple scaling regimes in Holocene temperature records?”by T. Nilsen, K. Rypdal, and H.-B. Fredriksen), Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., 6, C1–C1, 2015, Lovejoy, S., 2015: Using scaling for macroweather forecasting including the pause, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 7148–7155, DOI: 10.1002/2015GL065665. McGill press release.En Français. Landais, F., F. Schmidt, S. Lovejoy, 2015: Universal multifractal Martian topography, Nonlin. Processes Geophys. Discuss., 2, 1007–1031, doi:10.5194/npgd-2-1007-2015. Landais, F., F. Schmidt, S. Lovejoy, 2015: Universal multifractal Martian topography, Nonlin. Processes Geophys. 22, 713–722, 2015 Lovejoy, S.; M. I. P. de Lima, 2015: The joint space-time statistics of macroweather precipitation, space-time statistical factorization and macroweather models, Chaos, 25, 075410 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4927223. Blöschl, G., H. Thybo, H. Savenije, S. Lovejoy, 2015: Introduction. In: A voyage through scales: The Earth System in Space and Time, Eds: Blöschl, G., H. Thybo, H. Savenije, p13-18, Edition Lammerhuber, ISBN 978-3-901753-84-8. Blog version (Lovejoy only). Varotsos, C. A., S. Lovejoy, N. V. Sarlis, M. N. Efstathiou, C. G. Tzanis, 2015: On the scaling of the solar incident flux, Atmos. Chem. Physics, Disc. 15, 10971-10986, doi:10.5194/acpd-15-10971-2015. Varotsos, C. A., S. Lovejoy, N. V. Sarlis, M. N. Efstathiou, C. G. Tzanis, 2015: On the scaling of the solar incident flux, Atmos. Chem. Physics, 15 , 7301–7306, doi:10.5194/acp-15-7301-2015. Lovejoy, S., L. del Rio Amador, R. Hébert, 2015: The Scaling LInear Model (SLIM): using scaling to forecast global scale macroweather from months to decades, Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., 6, 489-545, doi:10.5194/esdd-6-489-2015. Lovejoy, S., L. del Rio Amador, R. Hébert, 2015: The ScaLIng Macroweather Model (SLIMM): using scaling to forecast global scale macroweather from months to decades, Earth Syst. Dynam., 6, 637–658, 2015,, doi:10.5194/esd-6-637-2015. Gires A., A. Giangola-Murzyn, J.-B. Abbes, I. Tchiguirinskaia, D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, 2015: Impacts of small scale rainfall variability in urban areas: a case study with 1D and 1D/2D hydrological models in a multifractal framework, Urban Water J. 12 (8), 607-617. 2014 Lovejoy, S. 2014: Réchauffement anthropique, Partie 1: La fin de la récréaction, 2014: Quebec Humaniste, vol. 9, no. 3, p13-19, (in French). Lovejoy, S. 2014: Réchauffement anthropique, Partie 2: Que Faire?, 2014: Quebec Humaniste, vol. 9, no. 4, p15-19, (in French). Lovejoy, S. 2014: Réchauffement anthropique, Partie 1 et Partie 2: Que Faire?, 2014: Quebec Humaniste, vol. 9,no. 3, p13-19 and no. 4, p15-19, (in French). Hoang, C.T., I. Tchiguirinskaya, D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, 2014: Caractéristiques multifractales et extrêmes de la précipitation à haute résolution, application à la détection du changement climatique, Revue des Sciences de l’Eau 27, no. 3, 205-216 doi: DOI : 10.7202/1027806ar. Lovejoy, S., J.-P. Muller, J.P. Boisvert, 2014: On Mars too, expect macroweather, Geophys. Res. Lett.,41, p7694-7700, Blog summary of paper. doi: 10.1002/2014GL061861 Lovejoy, S. 2014: Return periods of global climate fluctuations and the pause, Geophys. Res. Lett. 41, 4704-4710, doi: 10.1002/2014GL060478. Lovejoy, S., 2014: Scaling fluctuation analysis and statistical hypothesis testing of anthropogenic warming, Climate Dyn., 42, 2339-2351, DOI 10.1007/s00382-014-2128-2. Most mentionned Climate Dynamics paper in 2014. Lovejoy, S., 2014: Is Global Warming a Giant Natural Fluctuation? (Op-Ed), April 18, LiveScience, Lovejoy, S. 2014: Opinion; Research Shows that global warming isn't natural, The Montreal Gazette, June, 10, p A17. (scanned version) Questions and Answers about the Climate Dynamics paper. More Questions and Answers (updated April 23). Pinel, J., S. Lovejoy, 2014: Atmospheric waves as scaling, turbulent phenomena Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 3195–3210, 2014, doi:10.5194/acp-14-3195-2014. Pinel, J., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, 2014: The horizontal space-time scaling and cascade structure of the atmosphere and satellite radiances, Atmos. Resear., 140–141, 95–114, Gires, A., Tchiguirinskaia, I., Schertzer, D., Schellart, A., Berne, A., Lovejoy, S., 2014: Influence of small scale rainfall variability on standard comparison tools between radar and rain gauge data, Atmos. Resear., 138, 125 - 138. Fitton G. I. Tchiguirinskaia, D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, 2014: Torque fluctuations in the framework of a multifractal 23/9-Dimensional turbulence model, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 555 (2014) 012038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/555/1/012038. Schmidt, G. A., J. D. Annan, P. J. Bartlein, B. I. Cook, E. Guilyardi, J. C. Hargreaves, S. P. Harrison, M. Kageyama, A. N. LeGrande, B. Konecky, S. Lovejoy, M. E. Mann, V. Masson-Delmotte, C. Risi, D. Thompson, A. Timmermann, L.-B. Tremblay, P. Yiou, 2014: Using paleo-climate comparisons to constrain future projections in CMIP5, Clim. Past, 10, 221–250, doi:10.5194/cp-10-221-2014 2013 Lovejoy, S. , D. Schertzer, D. Varon, 2013: Do GCM's predict the climate... or macroweather?, Earth Syst. Dynam., 4, 1–16, doi:10.5194/esd-4-1-2013. Schertzer, D., I. Tchiguirinskaia, S. Lovejoy, 2013: Multifractality: at least three moments ! Interactive comment on “Just two moments! A cautionary note against use of high-order moments in multifractal models in hydrology” by F. Lombardo et al. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 10, C3103–C3109, 2013 Supplement (with figures). Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, I. Tchiguirinskaia, 2013: Further (monofractal) limitations of climactograms, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 10, C3086–C3090, 2013, Supplement. Pinel, J., S. Lovejoy, 2013: Atmospheric waves as scaling, turbulent phenomena Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 14797–14822, 2013, doi:10.5194/acpd-13-14797-2013. Gires A., 1, I. Tchiguirinskaia, D. Schertzer1, and S. Lovejoy, 2013: Development and analysis of amodel to represent the zero rainfall in a universal multifractal framework, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 20, 343–356, 2013, doi:10.5194/npg-20-343-2013 Schmidt, G. A., J. D. Annan, P. J. Bartlein, B. I. Cook, E. Guilyardi, J. C. Hargreaves, S. P. Harrison, M. Kageyama, A. N. LeGrande, B. Konecky, S. Lovejoy, M. E. Mann, V. Masson-Delmotte, C. Risi, D. Thompson, A. Timmermann, L.-B. Tremblay, P. Yiou, 2013: Using paleo-climate comparisons to constrain future projections in CMIP5, Clim. Past Discuss., 9, 775-835, doi:10.5194/cpd-9-775-2013. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 2013: The weather and Climate: emergent laws and multifractal cascades, 496pp, Cambridge U. Press. Preface. Table of Contents.Errata. Lovejoy, S., 2013: Macroweather, not climate, is what you expect. Guest blog, Climate Etc. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, D. Varon, 2013: How scaling fluctuation analyses change our view of the climate and its models (Reply to R. Pielke sr.: Interactive comment on “Do GCM’s predict the climate... or macroweather?” by S. Lovejoy et al.), Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., 3, C1–C12. Lovejoy, S., 2013: What is Climate?: EOS, 94, No. 1, 1 January 2013, p1-2. Gires, A., Tchiguirinskaia, I., Schertzer, D., Lovejoy, S., 2012: Multifractal analysis of a semi-distributed urban hydrological model, Urban Water Journal, 10, 195-208, DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2012.716447. Labat, D., C. T. Hoang, J. Masbou, A. Mangin, I. Tchiguirinskaia, S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, 2013: Multifractal behaviour of long-term karstic discharge fluctuations, Hydrol. Process., 27, Issue 25, p. 3708–3717, 15 doi: 10.1002/hyp.9495. 2012 Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, D. Varon, 2012: Response to R. Betts: Interactive comment on “Do GCM’s predict the climate... or macroweather?” by S. Lovejoy et al. Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., 3, C778–C783. Lovejoy, S. , D. Schertzer, D. Varon, 2012: Do GCM's predict the climate... or macroweather?, Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., 3, 1259-1286, doi:10.5194/esdd-3-1259-2012. Sharma, A. S., D. N. Baker, A. Bhattacharyya, A. Bunde, V. P. Dimri, H. K. Gupta, V. K. Gupta, S. Lovejoy, I. G. Main, D. Schertzer, H. von Storch, N. W. Watkins, 2012: Complexity and Extreme Events in Geosciences: An Overview, in: Extreme Events and Natural Hazards: The Complexity Perspective, Eds. A. S. Sharma, A. Bunde, D. Baker, V. P. Dimri, AGU monograph, pp. 1-16, doi:10.1029/2011GM001087. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 2012: Haar wavelets, fluctuations and structure functions: convenient choices for geophysics, Nonlinear Proc. Geophys., 19, 513–527, doi:10.5194/npg-19-513-2012. Gires, A., I. Tchiguirinskaia, D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, 2012: Influence of the zero-rainfall on the assessment of the multifractal parameters, Advances in Water Resources, 45, 13-25, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.03.026. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 2012: Stochastic and scaling climate sensitivities: solar, volcanic and orbital forcings, Geophys. Res. Lett. 39, L11702, doi:10.1029/2012GL051871. Pinel, J., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, A. F. Tuck, 2012: Joint horizontal - vertical anisotropic scaling, isobaric and isoheight wind statistics from aircraft data, Geophys. Res. Lett. 39, L11803, doi:10.1029/2012GL051689. Summary, highlighted by GRL. Hoang, C.T., I. Tchiguirinskaia, D. Schertzer, P. Arnaud, J. Lavabre, S. Lovejoy, 2012: Assessing the high frequency quality of long rainfall series, J. Hydrol., 438-439, 39-51, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.01.044. Lovejoy, S., J. Pinel, D. Schertzer, 2012: The Global space-time Cascade structure of precipitation: satellites, gridded gauges and reanalyses, Advances in Water Resources, 45, 37 - 50, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.03.024. Barton, C. C., S. Lovejoy, D. J. Schertzer, and D. L. Turcotte, 2012: Benoit B. Mandelbrot (1924–2010), Eos Trans. AGU, 93(4), 44, doi:10.1029/2012EO040007. Stolle, J., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, 2012: The temporal cascade structure and space-time relations for reanalyses and global circulation models, Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 138, 1895–1913, doi:10.1002/qj.1916. Schertzer, D., I. Tchigirinskaya, S. Lovejoy, A. Tuck, 2012: Quasi-geostrophic turbulence and generalized scale invariance, a theoretical reply, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 327–336, 2012, doi:10.5194/acp-12-327-2012. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 2012: Low frequency weather and the emergence of the Climate. Extreme Events and Natural Hazards: The Complexity Perspective, Eds. A. S. Sharma, A. Bunde, D. Baker, V. P. Dimri, AGU monograph, pp 231-254, doi:10.1029/2011GM001087. 2011 Gires, A., D. Schertzer, I. Tchiguirinskaia, S. Lovejoy, C. Onof, C. Maksimovic, N. Simoes, 2011: Impact of small scale rainfall uncertainty on urban discharge forecasts, Weather Radar and Hydrology, Proceedings of a symposium held in Exeter, UK, April 2011, IAHS Publ. 351. Schertzer, D., I. Tchiguirinskaia, S. Lovejoy, 2011: Getting higher resolution rainfall estimates: X-band radar technology and multifractal drop distribution, Weather Radar and Hydrology, Proceedings of a symposium held in Exeter, UK, April 2011, IAHS Publ. 351. Tchiguirinskaia I., D. Schertzer, C. T. Hoang, S. Lovejoy, 2011: Multifractal study of three storms with different dynamics over the Paris region, Weather Radar and Hydrology, Proceedings of a symposium held in Exeter, UK, April 2011, IAHS Publ. 351. Schertzer, D. , S. Lovejoy, 2011: Multifractals, Generalized Scale Invariance and Complexity in Geophyics, Inter. J. of Bifurcations and Chaos, 21, 3417–3456, DOI: 10.1142/S0218127411030647. Hovde S. J. , A. F. Tuck, S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, 2011: Vertical scaling of temperature, windand humidity fluctuations: dropsondes from 13 km to the surface of the Pacific Ocean International Journal of Remote Sensing, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 32, 5891-5918, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2011.602652. Gires, A., D. Schertzer, I. Tchiguirinskaia, S. Lovejoy, C. Maksimovic, C. Onof, N. Simoes, 2011: Impact De La Variabilité Non-Mesurée Des Précipitations Sur Les Débits En Hydrologie Urbaine : Un Cas D’étude Dans Le Cadre Multifractal, La Houille Blanche, 4, 37-42, Doi 10.1051/Lhb/2011039 Lovejoy, S. D. Schertzer, 2011: Precipitation and the dimensional transition from weather to low frequency weather, Invited paper, 58th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute. Retrieved on 9/1/12 from Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 2011: Space-time cascades and the scaling of ECMWF reanalyses: fluxes and fields, J. Geophys. Res. 116, D14117 doi:10.1029/2011JD015654. Lovejoy, S, 2011: Interactive comment on “Multifractal analysis of oceanic chlorophyll maps remotely sensed from space” by L. de Montera et al. Ocean Sci. Discuss., 8, C19–C23. Schertzer, D., I. Tchigirinskaya, S. Lovejoy, A. Tuck, 2011: Quasi-geostrophic turbulence and generalized scale invariance, a theoretical reply, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 3301-3320, 201111/10. Gires, A., I. Tchiguirinskaia, D. Schertzer S. Lovejoy; 2011: Analyses multifractales et spatio-temporelles des précipitations du modèle Méso-NH et des données radar, Hydrol. Sci. J., 56: 3, 380 - 396, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2011.564174. 2010 Lovejoy, S., 2010: Why the bare/dressed cascade distinction matters: Interactive comment on “Reconstruction of sub-daily rainfall sequences using multinomial multiplicative cascades” by L. Wang et al., Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. 7, C1–C4. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, A. Tuck, 2010: Interactive comment on “Why anisotropic turbulence matters: another reply”, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 10, C4689–C4697, 2010 Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, and A. F. Tuck, 2010: Why anisotropic turbulence matters: another reply, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 10, 7495-7506, 2010. Schertzer, D., Tchiguirinskaia, I., Lovejoy, S. Hubert, P., 2010: No monsters, no miracles: in nonlinear sciences hydrology is not an outlier! Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55: 6, 965 - 979. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2010.505173. Lovejoy S., A. F. Tuck, D. Schertzer, 2010: The Horizontal cascade structure of atmospheric fields determined from aircraft data, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D13105, doi:10.1029/2009JD013353. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 2010: Towards a new synthesis for atmospheric dynamics: space-time cascades, Atmos. Res. 96, pp. 1-52, doi.1016/j.atmosres.2010.01004. (According to editor Tim Horscroft, this was one of the most highly cited Elsevier papers in the last 6 years - May 2016). Freely available from Elseivier until Aug. 2016: Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 2010: On the simulation of continuous in scale universal multifractals, part I: spatially continuous processes, Computers and Geoscience, 36, 1393-1403, 10.1016/j.cageo.2010.04.010. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 2010: On the simulation of Continuous in scale universal multifractals, part II: space-time processes and finite size corrections, Computers and Geoscience, 36, 1404-1413, 10.1016/j.cageo.2010.07.001. 2009 Lovejoy, S., A.F. Tuck, D. Schertzer, 2009: Interactive comment on “Comment on “Reinterpreting aircraft measurements in anisotropic scaling turbulence" by Lovejoy et al. (2009)” by E. Lindborg et al, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Disc., 9, C7688-C7699. Lovejoy, S. ,F. Agterberg, A. Carsteanu, Q. Cheng, J. Davidsen, H. Gaonac'h, V. Gupta, I. L'Heureux, W. Liu, S. W. Morris, S. Sharma, R. Shcherbakov, A. Tarquis, D. Turcotte, V. Uritsky, 2009: Nonlinear geophysics: why we need it, EOS, 456-457, Dec. 1. Stolle, J., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, 2009: The stochastic cascade structure of deterministic numerical models of the atmosphere, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 16, 607-621. Lovejoy, S., A.F. Tuck, D. Schertzer, 2009: Interactive comment on “Reinterpreting aircraft measurements in anisotropic scaling turbulence” by S. Lovejoy et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys. Disc., 9, S2592- S2599. Lovejoy, S., A. F. Tuck, S. J. Hovde, D. Schertzer, 2009: Authors Reply to Comment on “Do stable atmospheric layers exist?” by Igor Esau Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L11812, doi:10.1029/2008GL034980. Watson, B. P., S. Lovejoy, Y. Grosdidier, D. Schertzer, 2009: Scattering in Thick Multifractal Clouds, Part I: Overview and Single Scattering in Thick Multifractal Clouds, Physica A, 388, no. 18, 15 September 2009, 3695-3710, doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2009.05.038. Lovejoy, S., Watson, B. P., Y. Grosdidier, D. Schertzer, 2009: Scattering in Thick Multifractal Clouds, Part II: Multiple Scattering, Physica A, 388, no. 18, 15 September 2009, 3711-3727, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2009.05.037. Lovejoy, S., A. F. Tuck, D. Schertzer, S. J. Hovde, 2009: Reinterpreting aircraft measurements in anisotropic scaling turbulence, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 9, 1-19, 2009. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, V. Allaire, T. Bourgeois, S. King, J. Pinel, J. Stolle, 2009: Atmospheric complexity or scale by scale simplicity? Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L01801, doi:10.1029/2008GL035863. Lovejoy, S. , A. F. Tuck, S. J. Hovde, D. Schertzer, 2009: The vertical cascade structure of the atmosphere and multifractal drop sonde outages, J. Geophys. Res. , 114, D07111,doi:10.1029/2008JD010651. Royer, J.-F., F. Chauvin, S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer and I. Tchiguirinskaia, 2009: Multiscale analysis of the impact of climate change on rainfall over France. Road Map Towards a Flood Resilient Urban Environment. Eds: E. Pascheet al. Hamburg, Hamburger Wasserbau-Schriftien, pp. 62-70.
2008 Lovejoy, S., H. Gaonac’h and D. Schertzer, 2008: Anisotropic Scaling Models of Rock Density and the Earth’s Surface Gravity Field, Natural Resources Research DOI: 10.1007/s11004-008-9171-7. Lovejoy, S., H. Gaonac'h, D. Schertzer, 2008: Anisotropic Scaling models of rock density and the earth's surface gravity field, Math. Geosci., 40, 533-573, doi 10.1007/s11004-008-9171-7. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 2008: Turbulence, rain drops and the l **1/2 number density law, New J. of Physics, 10, 075017(32pp), doi:10.1088/1367-2630/10/7/075017. Lovejoy, S., A. Tarquis, H. Gaonac'h, and D. Schertzer, 2008: Single and multiscale remote sensing techniques, multifractals and MODIS derived vegetation and soil moisture. Vadose Zone J. , 7, 533-546, doi 10.2136/vzj2007.0173. Lovejoy, S., S. Hovde, A. Tuck, D. Scherzter, 2008: Do stable atmospheric layers exist? Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L01802, doi:10.1029/2007GL032122. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, V. Allaire, 2008: The remarkable wide range spatial scaling of TRMM precipitation, Atmos. Res., 90, 10-32, doi 10.1016/j.atmosres.2008.02.016. Royer, J.F., A. Biaou, F. Chauvin, D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, 2008: Multifractal analysis of the evolution of simulated precipitation over France in a climate scenario, Comptes Rendues Geophysiques, 340, 431-440. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, , M. Lilley, K. Strawbridge, A. Radkevitch , 2008: Scaling turbulent atmospheric stratification, Part I: turbulence and waves, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 134, 277-300. Lilley, M., S. Lovejoy, K. Strawbridge, D. Schertzer, A. Radkevitch, 2008: Scaling turbulent atmospheric stratification, Part II: spatial stratification and intermittency from lidar data Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 134, 301-315. Radkevich, A., S. Lovejoy, K. Strawbridge, D. Schertzer, M. Lilley, 2008: Scaling turbulent atmospheric stratification, Part III: Space-time stratification of passive scalars from lidar data, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 134, 316-335. 2007 Gaonac'h, H., S. Lovejoy, M. Carrier-Nunes , D. Schertzer, F. Lepine, 2007: Percolating magmas in three dimensions, Nonlinear Proc. In Geophys. 14, 1–13, 2007. Lovejoy, S. D. Schertzer, 2007: Scaling and multifractal fields in the solid earth and topography, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 14 , 465-502. Beaulieu, A., G. Gaonac'h, S. Lovejoy, 2007: Anisotropic Scaling Of Remotely Sensed Drainage Basins: The Differential Anisotropy Scaling Method. Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 14 , 337-350. Lovejoy, S., S. Hovde, A. Tuck, D. Schertzer, 2007: Is isotropic turbulence relevant in the atmosphere? Geophys. Res. Lett., 34 , L14802, doi:10.1029/2007GL029359. Radkevitch, A., S. Lovejoy, K. Strawbridge, D. Schertzer, 2007: The elliptical dimension of space-time atmospheric stratification of passive admixtures using lidar data, Physica A, doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2007.03.046, 382, 597-615. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer: 2007: Scale, scaling and multifractals in geophysics: twenty years on. Nonlinear dynamics in Geosciences, Ed. A.A. Tsonis, J. Elsner, Springer, 311-337. Schertzer, D., P. Hubert, S. Lovejoy, 2007: Predictions in Ungauged Basins: PUB Kick-off (Proceedings of the PUB Kick-off meeting held in Brasilia, 20–22 November 2002). IAHS Publ. 309, 92-101, 2007. Tchiguirinskai, I., Schertzer, D., Hubert, P., Bendjoudi, H., Lovejoy, S., 2007: Predictions in Ungauged Basins: PUB Kick-off (Proceedings of the PUB Kick-off meeting held in Brasilia, 20–22 November 2002). IAHS Publ. 309, 298-308, 2007. Macor, J., Schertzer, D., Lovejoy, S. , 2007: Multifractal methods applied to rain forecast using radar data | [Méthodes multifractales appliquées à la prévision de pluie en utilisant des données radar], Houille Blanche (4), pp. 92-98. Hubert, P., I. Tchiguirinskaia, D. Schertzer, H. Bendjoudi, S. Lovejoy, 2007: Predetermination Of Floods, in Extreme Hydrological Events: New Concepts for Security Book Series, Eds: O.F. Vasiliev, P.H.A.J.M. Van Gelder, E. Plate, M. Bolgov, H. Berger, L. Garrote, G. Blöschl, NATO Science Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 78, DOI10.1007/978-1-4020-5741-0_14, p 185-198. Elsner, J., V. K. Gupta, S., Lovejoy, V. Lucarini, A. B. Murray, A. S. Sharma, S. Tebbens, A. A. Tsonis, and D. Vassiliadis, 2007: Twenty Years of Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences. EOS, Transactions, 88, 29-30. 2006 Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 2006: Stereophotography of rain drops and compound poisson - cascade processes, Proceedings, American Meteor. Soc. Cloud conference, Madison, July 12-14, p. 14.4.1-14.4.19. Hubert, P., Tchiguirinskaia, I., Schertzer, D., Bendjoudi, H., Lovejoy, S. 2006: Predetermination of floods, Extreme Hydrological Events: New Concepts for Security, Vasiliev, O.F.; van Gelder, P.H.A.J.M.; Plate, E.J.; Bolgov, M.V. (Eds.), Springer Nato Science Series: IV: Earth and Environmental, Sciences, Vol.78, 185-198. Schertzer, D., P. Bernardara, A. Biaou, I. Tchiguirinskaia, M. Lang , E. Sauquet, H. Bendjoudi, P. Hubert, S. Lovejoy and J. M. Veysseire 2006: Extrêmes et multifractals en hydrologie : résultats, validations et perspectives. Houille Blanche 5 : 112-119. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 2006: Ch. 24: Scaling turbulent atmospheric stratification: a turbulence/wave wind model, Wind Energy: Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium , Eds. J. Peinke, P. Schaumann, S. Barth, Springer-Verlag, 135-138. Schertzer, D. S. Lovejoy, 2006: Multifractals en turbulence et géophysique, in "Iruption des géométries fractals dans les sciences", Ed. J. P. Kahane, Editions de l'Académie Européene Interdisciplinaire des Sciences, p. 189-209. Tchiguirinskaia, I. , D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, J.M. Veysseire , 2006: Ch. 17: Wind extremes and scales: multifractal insights and empirical evidence, Wind Energy: Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium , Eds. J. Peinke, P. Schaumann, S. Barth, Springer-Verlag, 99-10. Gagnon, J.S., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, 2006: Multifractal earth topography, Non. Processes Geophys., 13, 541–570. Lilley, M., S. Lovejoy, N. Desaulniers-Soucy, D. Schertzer, 2006: Multifractal large number of drops limit in rain, J. Hydrol. 328, 20-37. Lovejoy, S. D. Schertzer, 2006: Multifractals, cloud radiances and rain, J. Hydrol. 322, 59-88. 2005 Lovejoy, S. D. Schertzer, J.S. Gagnon, 2005: Multifractal simulations of the Earth’s surface and interior: anisotropic singularities and morphology, in GIS and Spatial Analysis, Proc. Of Inter. Assoc. Math. Geology 2005, Eds. Q. Cheng, G. Bonham-Carter 37-54. P. Hubert, I. Tchiguirinskaia, H. Bendjoudi, D. Schertzer and S. Lovejoy, 2005: Multifractal modelling of Floods. In: G.S. J. Marsalek, Editor, Transboundary Floods: Reducing Risks and Enhancing Security through improved Flood Management Planning, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands. 2004 Grosdidier, Y. , S. Lovejoy B. P. Watson D. Schertzer 2004: Atmospheric Stratification and Radiative Transfer Fourteenth ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 22-26, 2004. Schertzer, D., S. Lovejoy, 2004: Uncertainty and Predictability in Geophysics: Chaos and Multifractal Insights, In: State of the Planet, Frontiers and Challenges in Geophysics, edited by R.S.J. Sparks, and C.J. Hawkesworth, pp. 317-334, AGU, Washington.
M., S. Lovejoy, K. Strawbridge, and D. Schertzer, 2004: 23/9 dimensional
anisotropic scaling of passive admixtures using lidar aerosol data, Phys.
Rev. E, 70, 036307-1-7. Lovejoy,
S., D. Schertzer, and A. F. Tuck, 2004: Fractal aircraft trajectories
and nonclassical turbulent exponents, Physical Review
E, 70, 036306-1-5. Schertzer,
D., S. Lovejoy, 2004: Space-time Complexity and Multifractal Predictability, Physica A 338, 173-186. Lovejoy, S., H. Gaonac'h, D. Schertzer, 2004 : Bubble distributions and dynamics: the expansion-coalescence equation, J. Geophys. Res. (Solid Earth), 109, B11203, doi:10.1029/2003JB002823.
2003 Schertzer, D. and S. Lovejoy, 2003: Chaos et turbulence en Météorologie et Hydrologie. C.R. Acad. Agri. Fr. 89(2). Gagnon,
J.S., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, 2003: Multifractal surfaces and topography, Europhys. Lett. 62, 801-807. Lovejoy,
S., Lilley, M., N. Desaulniers-Soucy, D. Schertzer, 2003: The large
particle number limit in Rain, Phys. Rev. E 68, 025301. Gaonac'h, H., Lovejoy S., and Schertzer D., 2003, Multifractal analysis of infrared imagery of active thermal features at Kilauea volcano, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24, n°11, 2323-2344. Hubert, P., I. Tchiguirinskaia, D. Schertzer, H. Bendjoudi,
S. Lovejoy, 2003: Scaling, fractals and multifractals in hydrology: premises
and perspectives, J. of Appl. Hydrol. 16, 1-9. Gaonac’h, G., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, 2003: Percolating magmas and explosive volcanism, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 1559-1563. Hubert, P., Schertzer, D, Tchiguirinskaya, A.I., Bendjoudi, H. Lovejoy, S., Hallegatte, S. Larcheveque, M., 2003: A multifractal point of view on climatological evolution [Un point de vue multifractal sur l'évolution climatique], Houille Blanche, Issue 8, January, P. 31-33. 2002 Schertzer, D., S. Lovejoy, P. Hubert, 2002: An introduction to stochastic multifractal fields. Mathematical Problems in Environmental Science and Engineering, A. Ern and Liu Weiping (eds.), Series in Contemporary Applied Mathematics, vol.4, Higher Education Press, Beijing, p. 106-179. Schertzer,
D., Y. Tchiginskaya, S. Lovejoy, P. Hubert, H. Bendjoudi, M. Larchevêque, 2002: Which chaos in the rainfall-runoff
process? Hydrological Sciences-Journal-des Sciences
Hydrologiques, 47,
1, 139-149. Harvey,
D. C., H. Gaonac'h, S. Lovejoy, J. Stix and D. Schertzer, 2002: Multifractal
Characterization of Remotely Sensed Volcanic Features: A Case Study from
Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, Fractals, 10, 265-274. Schertzer, D., S. Lovejoy, 2002: Review of "Multifractals
and 1/f noise", Math. Rev. Sachs, D., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, 2002: The multifractal scaling of cloud radiances from 1m to 1km, Fractals, 10, 253-265. M.I. Radulescu, L.B. Mydlarski, S. Lovejoy and D. Schertzer, 2002: Evidence for algebraic tails of probability distributions in laboratory-scale turbulence Advances in turbulence IX: proceedings of the 9th Euro. Turb. Conf. (ETC9), July 2-5, 2002., Southampton, UK (2002), p. 891. 2001 Hubert P., Bendjoudi H., Schertzer D., Lovejoy S., 2001: Multifractal taming of extreme hydrometeorological events, The Extremes of the Extremes, Proceedings of a symposium on extraordinary floods held at Reyjavik, Iceland, July 2000. IAHS Publ. no 271. Desaulniers-Soucy,
N., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, 2001: The continuum limit in rain and
the HYDROP experiment, Atmos. Resear. 59-60, 163-197. Lovejoy,
S., D. Schertzer, J. D. Stanway, 2001: Direct Evidence of planetary
scale atmospheric cascade dynamics Phys. Rev. Lett..
86, 5200-5203. Salvadori,
G., D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, 2001: Multifractal objective analysis:
conditioning and interpolation, Stoch. Environ.
Res. and Risk Anal. 15,
no. 4, 261-283. Lovejoy,
S., Pecknold, S., D. Schertzer, 2001: Stratified multifractal magnetization
and surface geomagnetic fields, part 1: spectral analysis and modelling, Geophys. J. Inter. 145, 112-126. Pecknold,
S., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, 2001: Stratified multifractal magnetization
and surface geomagnetic fields, part 2: multifractal analysis and simulation, Geophys. J. Inter. 145, 127-144. Finn,
D., B. Lamb, M.Y. Leclerc, S. Lovejoy, S. Pecknold, D. Schertzer,
Multifractal Analysis of Plume concentration fluctuations in surface
layer flows, J. Appl. Meteor., 40, 229-245. Lovejoy, S., W.J.S. Currie, Y. Tessier, Claereboudt, M.R., J.C. Roff, E. Bourget, D. Schertzer, 2001: Universal Multifractals and ocean patchiness: phytoplankton, physical fields and coastal heterogeneity, J. Plankton Res., 23, 117-141. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, Y. Tessier, H. Gaonac'h, 2001: Multifractals and Resolution independent remote sensing algorithms: the example of ocean colour, Inter. J. of Remote Sensing, 22, 1191-1234 . Schertzer, D., M. LarchevÍque, J. Duan, V. V. Yanovsky, and S. Lovejoy, 2001: Fractional Fokker-Planck equation for nonlinear stochastic differential equation driven by non-Gaussian Levy stable noises. J. of Math. Physics, 42, 200-212. 2000
Lovejoy, S., P. Garrido, D. Schertzer, 2000: Multifractal galactic absolute luminosity statisitics, Physica A, 287, 49-82. S. Lovejoy, N. Desaulniers-Soucy, M. Lilley, and D. Schertzer. Empirical Analysis of the continuum Limit in Rain. In 13th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation Proceedings [1], pages 402-404. J.-B. Addor, S. Lovejoy, and D. Schertzer. Quantifying Cloud Texture and Morphology using Generalized Scale Invariance. In 13th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation Proceedings [1], pages 1152-1155. 13th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Reno, Nevada, August 2000. 1999 Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 1999: Stochastic chaos, symmetry and scale invariance, ECO-TEC: Architecture of the In-between, edited by Amerigo Marras, Storefront Book series, copublished with Princeton Architectural Press, 80-99 Lewis, G.M., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, and S. Pecknold, 1999: The scale invariant generator technique for quantifying anisotropic scale invariance. Computers & Geosciences, 25(9): 963-978, November 1999. Seuront,
L., F. Schmitt, Y. Lagadeuc, D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy 1999: Universal
Multifractal analysis as a tool to characterize multiscale intermittent
patterns: example of phytoplankton distribution in turbulent coastal waters
J. Plankton Res. 21, 877-922. 1998: Marguerit, C., D. Schertzer, F. Schmitt, S. Lovejoy, 1998: Copepod diffusion within multifractal phytoplankton fields, J. Marine Systems 16, (1-2), 69-83.
Lovejoy, S., 1998: Letter to the editor, Physics Today,
51, 102-104. Chiriginskaya, Y., D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, 1998: An alternative
to shell-models, more complete and yet simple models of intermittency.
European Turbulence 7, U. Frisch Ed , Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht,
263-266. Schertzer, D., S. Lovejoy, F. Schmitt, C. Naud, D. Marsan, Y. Chigirinskaya, C. Marguerit, 1998: New developments and old questions in multifractal cloud modeling, satellite retrievals and anomalous absorption, Proc. of the 7th Atmos. Rad. Meas. (ARM) meeting, San Antonio, 3/97, Dept. of Energy, USA, p327-335. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, 1998: Stochastic chaos and multifractal geophysics. Chaos, Fractals and models 96, Eds. F. M. Guindani, G. Salvadori, Italian University Press, 38-52. Schertzer,
D., M. Larchevêque, S. Lovejoy, 1998: Beyond Multifractal Phenomenology
of Intermittency: Nonlinear Dynamics and Multifractal Renormalization.
Chaos, Fractals and models 96, Eds. F. M. Guindani, G. Salvadori, Italian
University Press, 53-64. Chigirinskaya,
Y., D. Schertzer, G. Salvadori, S. Ratti, S. Lovejoy, 1998: Chernobyl
137Cs cumulative soil deposition in Europe: is it multifractal? Chaos,
Fractals and models 96, Eds. F. M. Guindani, G. Salvadori, Italian University
Press, 65-72. Schmitt, F., D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, 1998: Turbulence and Finance: a multifractal comparison, Chaos, Fractals and models 96, Eds. F. M. Guindani, G. Salvadori, Italian University Press, 150-157. Lovejoy, S., D. Schertzer, P. Silas, 1998: Diffusion on one dimensional multifractals. Water Res. Res. 34, 3283-3291.
1997: Bendjoudi, H., P. Hubert, D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, 1997: Interprétation multifractale des courbes intensité-durée-fréquence
des précipitations, Multifractal point of view on rainfall intensity-duration-frequency
curves, C.R. A. S., (Sciences de la terre et des planetes/Earth and Planetary
Sciences), 325, 323-326. Schertzer,
D., S. Lovejoy, F. Schmitt, Y. Chigirinskaya, D. Marsan, 1997: Multifractal
cascade dynamics and turbulent intermittency, Fractals 5, 427-471. Schertzer, D. S. Lovejoy, 1997: Universal Multifractals do Exist!: Comments on "A statistical analysis of mesoscale rainfall as a random cascade", J. Appl. Meteor. 36, 1296-1303. Schmitt,
F., D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, Y. Brunet, 1997: Multifractal properties
of temperature fluctuations in turbulence, Fractals and Chaos in Chemical
Engineering, CFIC 96, Eds. M. Giona, G. Biardi, World Scientific, 464-475. Marsan, D., D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, 1997: Predictability
of multifractal processes: the case of turbulence, Fractals and Chaos
in Chemical Engineering, CFIC 96, Eds. M. Giona, G. Biardi, World Scientific,
421-433. Chiriginskaya, Y., D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, 1997: Scaling
Gyroscope cascades: universal multifractal features of 2D and 3D turbulence,
Fractals and Chaos in Chemical Engineering, CFIC 96, Eds. M. Giona, G.
Biardi, World Scientific, 371-384. Pecknold, S., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, C. Hooge, 1997: Multifractals and resolution dependence in remotely sensed data: GSI to GIS: Scale in Geographical Information Systems, D. Quattrochi, M. Goodchild Eds., 361-394. Pecknold, S., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, 1997: The morphology
and texture of anisotropic multifractals using generalized scale invariance.
Stochastic Models in Geosystems, Eds. S. A. Molchanov, W. A. Woyczynski,
IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, 269 - 312, 85. Naud, C., D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, 1997: Fractional Integration and radiative transfer in multifractal atmospheres. Stochastic Models in Geosystems, Eds. S. A. Molchanov, W. A. Woyczynski, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, 239-268, 85. 1996 Gaonac'h, H., S. Lovejoy, J. Stix, and D. Schertzer, 1996, A scaling growth model for bubbles in basaltic lava flows, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 139, p.395-409. Gaonac'h,H., J. Stix and S. Lovejoy, 1996, Scaling effects on vesicle shape, size and heterogeneity of lavas from Mount Etna, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 74, 131-153. Seuront
, L., F. Schmitt , D. Schertzer, Y. Lagadeuc, S. Lovejoy, 1996: Multifractal
Analysis of Eulerian and Lagrangian Variability of Physical and Biological
Fields in the Ocean, Non. Proc. in Geophys. 3, 236-246. Seuront,
L., F. Schmitt, Y. Lagadeuc, D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, S. Frontier, 1996:
Universal Multifractal structure of phytoplankton biomass and temperature
in the ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 3591-3594. Tessier,
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