| introduction | multifractals | clouds | topography | topography perspective|misc | movies | covers | glossary | publications |

| isotropic cloud | stratified cloud (scale fn) | stratified cloud | cloud fly by|topography fly by|raindrops |space-time | nowcasting | waves | plume |

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In this sequnce, we fly over an anisotropic multifractal topography. The multifractal parameters are those of continental topography as estimated in Gagnon et al 2003 (alpha=1.8, C1=0.12, H=0.77), the anisotropy is characterized by d=1, c=0.35, e=0.1, f=0, sphero-scale 64 pixels, (the simulation was 2048X2048), psi=1.2 (for the anisotropy of the unit ball). For more topography rendered with perspective with different parameters, click here.

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